Page 25 of Alone

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I have to get in the right mindset. I have to act like this is what I want. Like I’m completely used to flaunting myself in front of strange men while they do god-knows-what to me. Part of me wants to shudder at the thought.

“Seven minutes!” Megan shouts from her bedroom. “I don’t hear any footsteps over there!”

“I’m going!” I yell back, sounding a lot like my children when I try to get them going for school in the morning.

I get out of bed and pick the bags up off my floor. Looking around the room, I try to see if there’s a duffel bag or something that I use to carry all this crap to the club.


A gorgeous leather Chanel bag is sitting against the wall with clothing draped over the opening. I pick it up and see that there’s already makeup bags inside. And a pair of heels that I know I’m going to kill myself in.

I stuff the new outfit into the biggest compartment and race down the hall toward the bathroom. Leeah is in the shower, but I need my toothbrush.

“Close your eyes, I’m coming in!” I shout, teasing her. “I need my toothbrush.” I open the door and immediately hear Leeah’s voice.

“You’ve seen this puss before,” she says. Then, she starts singing to me through the cloud of steam. “Ifff you want my booooody, aaannndd you think I’m seeexxxyyy…”

She serenades me as I try to navigate through the steam to the sink and grab my toothbrush. Leeah keeps singing while I search through the closet, looking for anything else I might need. I spy mouthwash, floss, and a tongue scraper in a small bin with my name on it, so I stuff them in my bag before heading for the door.

“I’ll see you there, gorgeous!” I shout to Leeah. She doesn’t reply, she just continues to sing as her voice fades while I head to meet Megan at the front door.

“Would you stop blinking?” Megan says, annoyed.

“Well, you already poked me once,” I groan, still blinking as the mascara applicator gets closer and closer to my eyeball.

“Shut up,” she growls. “You wanted help with your lashes for some unknown reason. So I’m helping. Shut up or do it yourself.”

I blow out a breath and let her continue. Megan is already decked out in her new outfit. Her hair is loosely curled, leaving the red strands to frame her face and shoulders. She contoured her cheeks, her nose, and her forehead. She applied the perfect amount of blush and lipstick. And the false lashes framing her bright green eyes would look real if they weren’t a mile long.

She’s gorgeous.

It doesn’t take her long to apply my lashes, and again, they’re flawless. I finish the rest of my makeup and blow dry my hair so I can get it straightened and be done with my look.

The door behind us opens and Tommy walks through. My heart skips a beat since the last time I saw him, he was furious with me and took it out on the other girls.

He walks straight up to me, grabs my hips and dips me down toward the floor. I blink rapidly, hoping I don’t lose one of my lashes, as Tommy says, “It’s about damn time you got back to being your sassy-ass self.”

I don’t smile, I don’t say anything, I just wait for him to put me upright before straightening out the top of my body suit. Tommy smacks my ass before throwing his hands up in the air. “Our girl is back in business!”

Megan is laughing as she watches Tommy walk out the door.

“He just smacked my ass,” I say, almost shocked.

“Well, yeah,” she says. “You should be used to that by now.”

God I hope I’m not in a relationship with that creep. Something about him sends shivers up my spine.

“What was that all about? Why is he all chipper now?” I ask.

Megan shrugs. “You were pretty far gone this morning, girl. Practically living in a world of amnesia. We weren’t sure what the hell happened and if you’d recover from it. Aaron almost suggested hosting tryouts just in case we didn’t have a girl for the main event.”


Megan groans. “For fuck’s sake, I’m not playing that game again. Don’t tell Aaron you forgot who he was. Otherwise, he’ll cut your song in the middle of your routine and make your ass look foolish.”

He’d cut my song.

“The DJ,” I say, using her cues. “I was just kidding.” I turn my head so she doesn’t see the color of embarrassment coming into my cheeks. “Jesus, I thought you could tell my tone by now.” I look back at her once I feel the warmth dissolving and she’s glaring at me. I don’t know what else to do, so I blow her a kiss and wink.
