Page 26 of Alone

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She grins at me. “I hate you.”


The door opens again and I hear the voices of two women, bickering. It’s not Leeah or Amanda.

I look at them, and one looks quite a bit older than the other one. Almost like the younger of the two shouldn’t even be allowed in this club. They were the two that came in earlier this morning talking about a guy named Ted.

“Oh great,” Megan says quietly. I jolt at the sound of her voice since I thought she’d walked out of the dressing room. “Mommy-daughter duo are back.”

That explains the age gap. “Weird,” I say.

“Super weird.”

When the door opens a third time, it’s the rest of our crew. Leeah and Amanda stumble over in their sweatpants.

“I have to change,” Leeah says.

“I’d say,” I reply, laughing at her.

“Shut your trap,” she replies, trying to sound intimidating but still sounding a bit mousy.

Leeah storms off toward one of the lockers along the wall and Amanda plops down at her vanity beside me. “Someone is all out of tampons, so she needs to talk to Vanessa when she gets here.”

“Ah,” Megan says, adjusting her boobs in her bodysuit. “She’s raggin’. Is Tommy going to let her on stage tonight?”

Amanda shrugs. “Maybe if it’s a light flow. Just no private rooms.”

“Well, Vanessa is the best house mom around. She’ll know what to do,” Megan replies.

I wish I knew what that meant. I only know enough about strip clubs to get myself in trouble.

Megan’s phone rings and she looks at it. “Shit,” she whispers. She looks around for something and answers the call. She seems secretive about the conversation and I wonder if she’s a phone sex operator on the side.

“Hi, baby,” she says into the phone. She’s smiling with her mouth and her voice, but her eyes are telling a different story. There’s a few minutes of silence as the person on the other end of the phone talks. “I know, baby. I know. But mommy will be there tonight to tuck you in.” She sniffles and it sounds like she might be crying. I didn’t know Megan had kids. “Make sure daddy reads you a bedtime story, okay?” Then a pause. “Yes, baby. I’m at work right now, making as much money as I can. You will have a birthday bash this year. Okay?” Another pause. “Alright, baby. Get some sleep and I’ll talk to you soon. I love you, Aiden. Bye bye.” She hangs up the phone and I’m staring at her as she slides it back into her purse.

“They’re showing up,” Tommy says as he pokes his head through the door. “The day shift is packing up shop, so get ready.”

“I can’t stand day shift,” Megan groans.

Her mood has completely shifted back to what it was before the call from her son. Odd. It was like something was wrong, but she didn’t want to say anything. What in the world am I missing?

“It’s not even worth having the club open unless it’s a good lunch rush,” Megan continues.

“Agreed,” Amanda says, applying another layer of lipstick. “It’s only worth it if you’re here around noon and leave around seven. If you have to stay later than that, the night shift girls tend to grab more attention.”

“That’s why we’re the night shift girls,” Megan says, snapping her fingers and shaking her ass.

Tommy snakes his way back into the room. His face is lit up like the Fourth of July and I swear if his smile was any bigger, his face would split in two.

I look back toward Megan to see if she’s okay. Her voice was cracking while she was on the phone. When I look at Amanda, her gaze is fixed on Megan too and it looks like she knows something is wrong.

“Line is out the door and down the sidewalk. Tables are filling up. And it’s not even eight o’clock!” He twirls Megan around in a circle and she twerks when he lets her go. “It’s almost showtime!”

Chapter eight

Let the Beat Drop

Musicisthumpingthroughthe speakers in the club as I peek through the cracked door of the changing rooms. People are swarming the seating area as Leeah and Amanda take the stage. Two poles and two girls.
