Page 33 of Alone

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That Bitch

Iwakeupthenext morning with the taste of vomit rolling around the inside of my mouth. Despite it being dry, I can feel the coating of stomach acid on my tongue and I smack my lips together when I open my eyes.

The clock on my end table says it’s only ten in the morning. I thought for sure I’d sleep later than that since I did two more performances on stage and another champagne room before Tommy closed the doors for the night.

I was exhausted when I got home at four o’clock this morning.

The life of a stripper I suppose.

Groaning, I get out of bed and squeeze my eyes closed when my brain rattles inside my skull, causing a mind-blowing migraine to slam into me.

“Ouch,” I hiss, rubbing my temples.

I hear the front door slam shut and jump up out of my bed. My naked body races across my room and I throw open the bedroom door, looking around for any sign of the three girls.

“Amanda?” I yell. No reply. “Megan? Bitch, you better still be here!” I shout. Nothing. “Leeah?” I ask, softer now, knowing that nobody is going to reply. “Shit!”

I grab my phone and send a quick text to Megan.Where the hell are you?

As if she was expecting me to text as soon as they left, she replies with,We knocked three times and Amanda tried to get you up twice. We left.

I stare at my phone in awe. How do I not remember them trying to wake me up? How many lines did I do last night? What the fuck? Another text from Megan comes through saying,I left cab cash on the table for you. Get ready and get your ass to the club. I’ll try to cover for you.

I type my reply as fast as I can while I run my fingers through my knotted hair.Thanks. Sorry I suck.

She doesn’t say anything, so I throw my phone onto my bed and race to the bathroom to grab a shower and wash last night’s threesome off my body. Thankfully, the second VIP room wasn’t quite as intimate. Or at least I don’t remember doing anything more than a strip tease.

Hard to say.

In twenty minutes, I’m showered and changed and pulling into the parking area of the club. I was so happy to brush my teeth and get that taste out of my mouth, but the shower was what really did it for me.

“There she is,” Megan whispers as I enter the changing room with my bag slung over my shoulder. “Tommy isn’t here yet,” she adds, looking toward the door. “But something tells me he already knows you were late today.”

“How do you know that?” I ask, sitting down at my vanity and setting my bag at my feet.

“He texted me this morning and said he had a workout for us since we can’t seem to get our shit together.”

I cover my face. “I’m so sorry.”

“You better be,” Amanda says, coming over and crossing her arms. “So help me Lucifer if Tommy puts us through the ringer, you owe us big time. And I don’t just mean playing chauffeur and driving us everywhere. You best get creative.”

I nod. “Fair enough.”

We get ourselves changed and wait for Tommy to come into the dressing room. When he walks through the doors, I notice he looks a little off. His usual fancy button-up shirt is replaced with a plain gray hoodie, and his usual pin striped pants look a lot like black sweatpants. His skin is super pale and he doesn’t look like he’s walking too steady.

“You okay?” I ask, realizing he’s probably pissed off at me for being late, but still a little concerned with the state he’s in.

“Shut up,” he hisses at me. “Get your shit together and get out to the stage.”

I look at Megan and she shrugs at me. Leeah and Amanda look at me like this is my doing, but I ignore them and we all meet Tommy out at the main stage of the club. After a few seconds of standing there, I realize Geani has now joined us. I want to glare at her, remembering I hate her even though I don’t know why, but I refrain since Tommy seems out of sorts.

“This is what’s going to happen,” Tommy begins. “You bitches are going to come up with a new show. I have too much on my plate right now with the upcoming weekend that I don’t have time to create new events for the rest of this week. You have two days until the event. That only leaves you with a few hours today to plan. And it better be fucking good.”

I swallow hard. I barely knew what I was doing with the dances I performed last night. I don’t know if I have it in me to create a whole new set. Much less two.

Geani is grinning at Tommy and nodding like she knows what she’s doing. When she sees me looking at her, her grin disappears and is replaced with a sneer.

What the hell did I do besides show up forty minutes late to practice? Tommy was later than I was, so it’s not that big of a deal. I never see this bitch here except for my first day working.
