Page 34 of Alone

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She can back the fuck up.

Plus, I thought I was the one that hated her. Not the other way around.

“You have three hours to get it figured out and get home to sleep before you come back in for work tonight,” Tommy snaps.

He storms out of the building without saying another word to anyone. Amanda and Leeah glare at Geani and I’m wondering if I missed something.

“Better get to work,” Geani says in a taunting voice. “Wouldn’t want anyone to get into more trouble than they already are.”

She saunters off toward the changing room and the rest of us gather by the stage.

“What the hell was that all about?” Megan asks.

“She told Tommy,” Leeah says in her squeaky quiet voice.

“Told him what?” Megan asks. I swear I can hear her gritting her teeth as she waits for the answer.

“That Dee was late again,” Amanda says. “Geani got wind of the repeated tardiness and went running to Tommy.” She has her lawyer voice on and I know it’s what she uses in her law classes for college. She doesn’t use that tone often, but when she does, I know she’s fired up.

“That bitch,” Megan hisses while she glares toward the changing rooms. “I was waiting for her to do some shit.”

“Why though?” I ask. The three of them look at me like I should already know this. So I add, “Whatever. She can do what she wants. It was my own fault.”

“Not the point,” Megan says, crossing her arms. “We’re going to plan this show. And we’re going to plan it so that Geani gets what the fuck she deserves.”

“What does she deserve?” I ask, wanting to know what Megan has up her sleeve.

Megan looks at me and very quietly says, “She deserves to look like a fool.”

As if I didn’t already have enough on my plate, I wake up from my nap knowing that I have to put on a show tonight while also attempting to get back at Geani for throwing me under the bus.

Megan, Amanda, Leeah and I all worked on a routine that didn’t include Geani. We pretended to include her in the practice, but when we got home, we cut our sleep time short to change it up and completely cut out Geani’s parts.

Megan is a devil and I love her.

Even though I still want to know what it was that I did to deserve this treatment from Geani, I don’t have enough time or energy to dig up the answers.

The four of us roll up to the club later in the night and get ourselves unpacked in the changing rooms. Geani is nowhere to be found and I’m grateful for that. Less drama to deal with.

“Which outfit are you wearing tonight?” Megan asks, ruffling through her bag.

“The silver and black one,” I say as I apply another coat of mascara to my real lashes. “I don’t want my tit hanging out again. It’s a good idea until I go upside down and can hardly see anything with the obstruction of my view.” I grab a handful of my own tits and shake them in a way that says they’re the obstructions.

Megan chuckles. “Still sexy as fuck though.”

Leeah and Megan strut their stuff into the changing room with their hair and makeup already done. Leeah looks like her smile is forced and she’s holding her side as though she’s in pain.

“Are you alright?” I ask, gesturing toward her stomach.

Leaah nods. “I’ll be fine. Just a little tummy trouble is all.”

Now is not the time for her stomach to be upset. But I know she doesn’t want to deal with the wrath of Tommy so she’ll end up faking it to get through the night. I’m sure her day off tomorrow will consist of her melting into her bed and not resurfacing until the following morning.

Megan’s phone rings and she takes the call in her sweet mommy voice. I keep forgetting to ask her about her son. It’s so sweet the way she talks to him and I’m hoping we get to attend this birthday party, whenever it is, because I would die for some chocolate cake.

“I can’t wait to see Geani get her face pushed into the floor when Tommy sees that she wasn’t part of tonight’s act,” Amanda says, rubbing her hands together in an evil manner like they do in the cartoons.

“Tommy will actually push her face into the floor?” I ask, swinging around on my vanity chair to face the girls.
