Page 39 of Alone

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“I’m sorry,” I say, gripping my side as though remembering the feeling I had on stage. “I don’t know what happened, Tommy. It felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife. I could hardly breathe.”

Tommy stares at me for a moment before he drops his head and sighs. “Look. I don’t know what happened to you over these last few days, but you need to figure your shit out. We’ve got a huge event coming this weekend and I have to be able to count on you.”

“That’s what you’ve been planning all this time?” I ask, wanting answers that he has yet to give me.

“Yes,” he says flatly. “You’ve been highly requested as always. I just need you to be reliable so I can follow through. I need to be able to count on you to give the people what they want.”

“What do they want?” I ask, thinking I know the answer, but wanting to hear him say it.

“They want you, Trin.” He laughs. “I don’t know why. You’re seriously fucking unpredictable.”

Tommy is standing in my home insulting me and I don’t even know what time it is. I look around him at the clock to see that it’s one in the morning. Which means the other girls aren’t even home yet and I have no backup.

“What do you want from me, Tommy? Just tell me.”

“I want you to be on your best behavior from now on while you’re working. Come up with something big for your shift tomorrow. Make sure these people know what they’ll get at the event. Take your day off after that to recoup and refresh or whatever you bitches call it. I want you to be early to the event the following day. And I want you to give the people whatever they want.”

“Whatever they want?” I echo.

“You heard me. We have some big names coming by. It took some pulling of strings, but they’ve agreed to make an appearance. When they heard you were the star of the show, they asked the time and place. Just get your shit together and be ready.”

Then, he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out an envelope.

“What’s this?” I ask as he hands it to me.

“Your earnings from your last shift,” he says before he jams his hands in his pockets. “Your three minions scooped up all the loot from the stage before Geani could get her hands on it.”

I grin, knowing how much that would have pissed her off. When I look up at him, he is still staring at the floor.

“Thanks,” I say softly, unsure of what else to add.

Tommy doesn’t say another word. He looks around the house, shakes his head, and storms out the front door.

I flop down on the couch and look around the pigsty of a house I’m living in. It’s not what I’d expect for myself at this age without a family, but I guess it’s what I was given.

I let out a big sigh.

“I’m the star,” I say. “And I have to be on my best behavior.”

I open up the envelope to inspect the contents and my jaw hits the floor. Small, personal notes are littered inside the envelope along with over two-thousand dollars.

“What. The. Fuck.” I gawk at the dollar bills in my hands. I knew last night was going well at first and I knew that the guy with his wallet in his hands was dropping bills higher than ones and fives.

But this?

I sit with the personal notes for a few minutes and appreciate the thanks and compliments given to me by complete strangers. More than I ever got while I was living with Nick and the kids.

I guess I can’t complain much. Do I miss my kids?

Absolutely! I love my kids.

Do I miss the attitude I got from them and the lack of presence from my husband?

Absolutely fucking NOT.

I put my feet up on the coffee table and look around the house at the piles of dishes and garbage littering the counters. A small smile presses across my lips and I know exactly what I’m about to go do.

Chapter twelve
