Page 40 of Alone

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They Love Me! They Really Love Me!

Iheardthegirlsstumble into the house around four o’clock this morning. Megan was obviously under the influence ofsomething,as was the guy she had accompanying her into her bedroom. It’s the first time any of them have brought company home. At least that I can remember.

Leeah and Amanda seemed to have both passed out in Leeah’s room.

I set my alarm for two hours after they got home, knowing they’d still be in too deep of sleep to hear me moving around the house. I brushed my teeth, got dressed in a white tank top, black spandex pants, high-top gold shoes, and I accessorized perfectly with hoop earrings and a gold chain bracelet. I even draped a gold chain around my perfectly sculpted abs since my tank top cuts off above my belly button.

My bag is slung over my shoulder and I leave a note on the table telling the girls that I’ll be home soon if they wake up and I’m not there.

After stopping for an iced coffee and getting eyed up by every customer in the cafe, including a few of the women, I head straight for the local home improvement store.

Megan’s car isn’t the nicest to drive, but I definitely love the freedom it gives me when I drive it. It feels a little weird gripping the steering wheel since I haven’t driven a car in a few days, but it’s like riding a bike.

Cranking the volume on the radio, I sail down the road and pull into the parking lot.

With my iced coffee in hand, I walk through the front doors of the home improvement store and head straight for the appliances.

“Can I help you?” a male voice asks as soon as my foot hits the department.

I smile. “Actually, yes.” I ignore the hungry look in the man’s eyes and point toward the dishwashers. “I’m taking one of these home with me. Which one do you recommend?”

After twenty minutes of him telling me the pros and cons of each mechanical box, I pick the prettiest one they have and pay the extra for it to be delivered later in the day. Megan’s car is definitely not big enough to haul a dishwasher home.

I stop at the clothing store once it opens and pick out four new matching outfits, complete with shoes and garters before I head back to the house and wait for the girls to wake up.

“Who the hell is ringing the doorbell at this hour?” Megan groans as she shields her eyes and walks into the living area. She’s wearing nothing but underwear and a white tank top that confirms she didn’t grab a bra before walking out of her bedroom.

I’m standing at the door with two men in dark blue vests waiting for them to haul the new house gift inside and install it.

“You’re up early,” I say, ignoring her questionable glance toward the men in the doorway.

“Doorbells have that effect on people,” she counters, still squeezing one eye shut to fight the bright lighting in the living room.

“Apparently you’re the only one in the house then,” I say with a chuckle. “Leeah and Amanda are still passed out.”

Megan looks over her shoulder toward the hallway like she forgot we had two other roommates. “I guess I’ll go back to bed then,” she says, looking back at me. Then, she looks back toward the two guys and squints at them like she’d already forgotten they were standing beside me. “Wait a minute. Who are they?”

“Uuuhhh… I kind of did a thing,” I admit with a shrug. I’m pointing toward the small kitchen area while the men grunt with the dishwasher in their hands.

“What did you do?” Megan asks.

“I may have bought a new appliance for the house,” I say as the men squeeze it into the space between the cabinets and the wall.

Megan stands taller and I can see the sleep falling from her eyes. “You did what?!”

“I bought a dishwasher,” I say.

“When did you have time to do this?” she asks.

“I set an alarm for super early this morning and went out while you girls were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you up, but since I got a bunch of sleep last night because I was sick, I figured I’d make use of my time.” I put my hands on my hips and look from the assembling of the new kitchen appliance to my super confused roommate. “I figured it would help keep the dishes off the counter and some of the stress off our shoulders. Especially with the way Tommy looked around this place at two o’clock this morning.”

“Tommy was here?” Megan asks.

“Yeah, he stopped by to yell at me for getting sick in the middle of my show.”

“That sounds like Tommy.” Megan’s tone is coated with frustration as she crosses her arms in front of her chest.

“Yeah, but then he handed me an envelope filled with cash from my partial show last night.” I grin at her. “Thank you.”
