Page 66 of Alone

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I kicked the shit out of Geani and made a friend. Took out some stress and made amends. Just like the old lady said.

“I don’t know,” Nick says, and his voice is muffled like he has his face buried in his hands. Something Nick would definitely do in this kind of situation.

“We will continue to monitor her,” Doctor Thomas says.

“And we’ll do everything in our power to figure this out,” the nurse adds.

Nick doesn’t reply. He remains quiet as footsteps fade and the door closes a final time. Then, I hear him sigh.

“Dee,” he says, and I feel him grab my hand. I want to squeeze his hand in return to let him know I can hear him. Let him know that I’m okay and that I’m here, but I can’t move. I can’t seem to get anything to work.

“I need you to come out of this,” Nick says. “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for not being around. I’m sorry for not helping around the house. I’m sorry for the things I said and for the arguments we’ve had. I need you, Dee. The kids and I need you. Please.”

His voice begins to fade and the touch of his hand on mine disappears. I feel like I’m falling as I slide into a deep sleep.

Only this time, I’m able to wake up from it. I sit straight up in my bed. Not my bed with Nick and the kids, but my bed with red and black blankets and a stand up mirror that shows off my tattoos and nipple piercings.

And Geani. Who is sitting beside my bed.

“Holy shit,” Geani shouts, grabbing her chest. “I thought we’d lost you. I didn’t know what to do.”

“A hospital would have been a better choice,” Megan hisses and storms out of my bedroom. Amanda and Leeah follow her.

The confused look on my face sends Geani into a tantrum.

“Dude,” she begins, running a hand down over her face. “I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. They say that you always know what you’ll do in a situation, but you really don’t until you’re in it. The hospital was obviously the better choice, but instead, my brain brought you to your house and pounded on the door until someone answered. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.”

I let Geani ramble while I stare at the door after my friends, waiting to see if they’ll come back into my room to check on me when they hear how crazy Geani sounds.

They don’t.

I try to sit up, but everything inside me feels tingly. Not painful, but tingly. Like that feeling you get after you sit on your foot for too long and then try to wiggle your toes.

I hate that feeling.

I groan. “What the hell?”

“Just, stay there. I’ll go get the others,” Geani says, still frantic. “Though, they don’t seem too happy that I’m here.”

“Well, yeah,” I say, still holding my side, though I don’t know why. “You’re not exactly part of the group. They still kind of hate you.”

“Kind of?” Geani asks, sounding hopeful.

“Okay, theyreallyhate you,” I correct. “Just go get them.”

Geani races out of my bedroom, something that I never thought I’d see in this lifetime, though I seem to be living more than one lately, and I hear the conversation happening between the four of them in the living room.

“Just come back and see her,” Geani presses.

“She doesn’t deserve it,” Amanda counters in her lawyer voice. “She didn’t come through for us so why the fuck should we do anything for her?”

“Yeah,” Leeah adds in her ‘I don’t do confrontation, but I’m still pissed off’ tone. “Do you know what kind of shit Tommy put us through after she disappeared?”

“Did you even come looking for her?” Geani counters. I’m surprised she’s actually sticking up for me. I guess going a few rounds in a parking lot really set the base for a friendship.

Or at least something closer to friendship than what we had when we were beating the crap out of each other.

Nobody answers Geani. Megan hasn’t even argued at all yet, which leads me to believe it’s coming. The other shoe has yet to fall.
