Page 23 of Damn Roommate

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“Trust me, kid, there’s nothing that keeps me awakeallnight except what’s going on down there.”

Her eyes slide on my stomach on their own before leering between my legs. She blushes instantly and Leo bursts out laughing. I take a step back, this time glad I made her uncomfortable.


She searches for words, spluttering as I cross my arms against my chest, chuckling. It is so easy to annoy this girl and I find that terribly exciting. In the modest sense of the term.

“Sex, Scar. Onlysexleaves a man up all night.”

“Nolan!” exclaims a voice to my right. “Are you really talking aboutsexwith my sister?”

I laugh, greeting Edgar who arrives in turn in the kitchen to help himself to a quick breakfast.

“We’re talking about Scar, Ed. She’s akid.I’m just trying to explain to her how a man works since she wants to enter the big leagues.”

I wink at Scar in front of me, tomato red. From embarrassment, from anger, from exasperation? I’ll never know because she walks away muttering things that are impossible to understand. But the middle finger she gives me at the last moment puts me on the track of the second option.

So easy to piss off a Martin.


I leave the locker room with heavy legs from the intensive training imposed by the coach. My gym bag over my shoulder, I glance at Harriet’s latest message.

“Ed, if you don’t want us to be late for Mrs. Shaw’s class, you have to move your ass!”

Leo is getting impatient as he leaves the gym. His arms are crossed and he’s tapping his foot against the floor as if he’s expecting a kid who is having a tantrum. I laugh and Edgar sighs.

“I’m going home to have a beer,” Milo begins. “You want to join, Nolan?”

I laugh, seeing the faces of my two buddies grimacing at the idea of being stuck in class, and get into Sullivan’s game in the blink of an eye.

“Only one? You’re a lightweight.”

I put my arm around Milo’s shoulders and keep walking with him.

“You’re right, the more the merrier!”

We burst out laughing when the guys insult us loudly before running off to class. Milo pats my shoulder blade, continuing to laugh.

“The invitation still stands!”

“That’s nice, but Harriet is waiting for me. Next time?”

I shift slightly to reach my car at the other end of the parking lot.

“I haven’t forgotten that you owe us a meal, with Gabe!”


He says good-bye one last time and we walk in opposite directions. I put away my phone, which rings, and rush one hand clutching the strap of my bag. I get to my SUV in record time, finding Harriet leaning against it. Sunglasses on her nose,she hugs me as I approach her and presses her sweet lips to mine. Her lip gloss sticks a little, but can feel the heat in the kiss and pressing her against the door of my Chevy to deepen our embrace.

“Does that mean you’re sleeping at my place?” she purrs against my mouth.

I place a last quick kiss on hers, forcing myself to peel away from her as my body is reacting to the possibility of spending the night together. A night that still promises to not be restful, but it’ll bewellworth it.

“Get in!”

She giggles and I laugh, speeding around my car before noticing the blonde crossing the parking lot nearby. Her bag on her back, she’s not with any of her friends and heads with a determined step towards the nearest subway station. I pause for a second staring at her then hail her as I walk towards her.
