Page 83 of Damn Roommate

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My heart tightens and I see in his eyes that heknowswhatI’m thinking. His jaw tightens.

“I don’t want to forget,” he blurts out before I even ask him the question.

He lies on his back, staring absently at the ceiling. He sighs harshly.

“It’s monumental bullshit, but I don’t want to losethat.”

“Me neither,” I say in a shaky voice.

“Your brother must never know.”

He stares at me.

“We have to keep this a secret, Scar. Just for a while, so we know what’s going on. We can’t tell him right away.”

“No one will know.”

He exhales for a long time, and I know this is not a situation for him. Yet neither he nor I are able to handle what is happening. It just happening. It was unexpected, it was strong and unlikely. But it happened and there is no going back. He knows it and he is letting go.

To me.

“Promise me it’ll be worth it, Scar.”

An unreadable light shines in his eyes and my heart tightens. He brings his face closer to mine and I caress his cheek tenderly.

“We’ll never know if we don’t try.”

He sketches a smile and leans in to trap my lips.



Elbows resting on the counter, I bite into a piece of raw cookie dough while staring at an article in my business management manual, trying to understand the information written before my eyes. I mumble as I grab a second piece and stuff it in my mouth as a conversation makes me look up. My brother and Leo arrive in the kitchen in a rush and their colognes sting my nose.

“Did you jump in a bottle of body spray or something?” I ask.

I pretend to wipe the corner of my eyes. Edgar comes next to me, tugging at my ponytail with a laugh.

“And you, did you skip the shower today?” he scoffs. “Is it legal to smell like that?”

He examines me from head to toe, contemplating my shapeless joggers longer than necessary.

“Screw you.”

“She’s got her fangs out, the little one,” laughs Leo. “Upset not to come to the party, it seems!”

I push him, chuckling, and my brother stares at my book, arms crossed against his chest a serious look on his face. His white sweater hugs his athletic arms and he’s clean shaven. It makes him look almost three years younger.

“Are you sure you can’t get out?”

I shake my head.

“I still have several homework assignments that I would like to do. There will be other nights.”

“Well, you know where to find us if you change your mind,” Leo says. “We keep our phones on!”

“Yes, Dad,” I quip.
