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Oh my God. From this angle, I had a perfect view of his dick, the way it hung slack between his hips. His cock was sleek and thick, but not too thick, just right for closing my mouth around it. Damn, I wanted to feast on that beefstick for hours. Months ago, I'd seen Damian naked and felt only the slightest sexual interest in him. Today, I couldn't stop staring at his naked body, and I experienced a wave of heat that stole my breath for a few seconds. The muscles on his chest made me want to lick a trail over every single one of them, moving lower and lower while I kissed his defined abs and inched my way closer and closer to that beautiful dick.

I wanted to fan myself, but I didn't have a fan. Not even a piece of paper I could fold over and use to cool myself down. That wouldn't work, anyway. The only thing that might cool me down was sex with Damian. I couldn't do that. Wouldn't do that.Celibacy vow, remember?

But I hadn't been with a man since before my stalking-Ollie nonsense.

No sex with Damian. No way. So what if he had the hottest body I'd ever seen? No sex, no way, period.

Sylvester and Taylor took one side of the court while Damian and Leah took the other. They started batting the tennis ball around in the laid-back way most people played miniten. Nudists liked the game because it wasn't as strenuous as tennis, though sometimes guests got a little overexcited—guests like Sylvester. He and his wife, Ruth, could turn a laid-back game into a death match. Nobody minded, though. They never did anything lewd or got too aggressive.

Damian leaped up to whack the ball.

And his dick flapped.

I usually thought men's flapping members were silly, but I found myself getting tingly and slick while I watched Damian's manly bits waving around with every graceful, athletic move he made to hit the ball. His muscles flexed, from his thighs to his biceps and everywhere in between.

Leah missed her shot—on purpose, it looked like—and stumbled, holding her knee like it really hurt. "Timeout. I twisted my knee."

Damian rushed over to check her supposedly injured knee, but Leah shooed him away. "I just need to sit down for a while. It's fine, I swear." She glanced at me. "Heidi can fill in for the rest of the match."

I groaned, though I doubted she could hear it. "For the umpteenth time, I am not a nudist anymore."

"We'll make an exception to the nakedness rule for you." Leah fake pouted. "You can't let us lose the match. You're the best player."

"Yeah," Sylvester said. "Get in there and show 'em how it's done, kiddo."

The entire Kitten Brigade looked at me with hopeful expressions.

How was I supposed to say no when they looked like that? I could keep my clothes on, though I'd be playing alongside Damian the naked gypsy.

Leah clasped her hands under her chin and grinned at me, hopping up and down on her tippy toes.

Oh jeez. She'd be so disappointed if I didn't do this, they all would, but I knew Leah had faked hurting her knee as a means to push me and Damian together. Did everyone think I liked him? Or had Mara told Leah—

For heaven's sake, what was wrong with me? Now I was thinking like a teenager. I was an adult, and I could handle playing miniten with Damian, even if he was buck naked.

I pushed up out of my chaise and headed for the miniten court.

Leah handed me her thug as I walked past her.

And we played miniten.

Sylvester and Taylor had skills, but Damian played the game like he'd been born with a thug on his hand. I'd been playing for years, but he hadn't tried the game until recently. With all those muscles, he had the equipment to rock miniten. And rock other things too. Naked, sweaty, dirty things.

I missed my swing. The ball shot past me, but Damian whacked it over the net.

Never in my life had I gotten so distracted by lustful thoughts that I couldn't concentrate on winning a game of miniten.

Leah hit the ball over the net, but when I raised my racket, my foot slipped. I fell down, landing on my side.

Damian knelt to sling an arm around my waist and hoist me up. "You okay?"

"Fine, thanks." That was a lie. I hadn't injured myself, but I was nothing close to fine with my body crushed to his naked muscles.

He let go and picked up my racket, handing it to me.

We ended up winning the game, but I couldn't concentrate on that fact. The feel of his body, his arm around me, his dick pressed against me… It had made me almost lightheaded. He hadn't been aroused, not at all, but I could still feel his dick. Watching Damian play miniten had been the most erotic thing I'd ever seen, but not because he did anything unseemly. He played like a gentleman—a determined, focused gentleman. Maybe it was his attitude and his determination that got me so hot and bothered. Whatever the cause, I'd gotten so turned on I could feel the slickness between my thighs. It had drenched my panties, and my clitoris throbbed every time I glanced at him.

Oh yeah, miniten had been the worst idea ever. I should've gone back to my room before Damian took his clothes off.
