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He shut the door and hustled around to the driver's side, climbing in. When he shoved the key into the ignition, I leaned over to place my hand over his, stopping him from turning the key.

"Not yet," I said. "Got a promise to keep."

"You don't have to—"

I sealed his lips with two fingers. "I want you, Damian. Right now. So I'm adjusting the plan. Got a condom?"

"When I'm with you, always." He dug a packet out of his pants.

"You're the best." I crawled onto his lap, straddling him. "And I do mean that in every way."

Smirking, he reached for the lever under the seat and pulled it. The seat back tipped down at a forty-five-degree angle. "Now we're ready."

I undid his belt and unzipped his pants, freeing his stiff cock.

He lunged forward, wrapped his arms around me, and dragged me down onto the seat with him. Grasping the back of my head, he pulled me in for a deep kiss. While our tongues tangled, he ran his hands up and down my back, and I shoved a hand between our bodies to fondle his cock. Oh wow, he was so hard. When he closed a hand over my breast and kneaded it, I moaned and writhed on top of him, desperate for more of everything—more kissing, more fondling, more of him.

A bright light flared on. Knuckles rapped on the window.

I sprang upright, bashing my head on the ceiling, and cursed under my breath. Squinting at the bright light, I struggled to understand what I was seeing. "Oh shit, Damian, it's a cop."

He sprang upright too, one arm around me, and fumbled with the button that lowered the window. "Hey, officer, what's up?"

The young cop eyed us with narrowed eyes, his flashlight aimed at us, but his mouth twitched into a faint smirk. He nodded toward Damian's lap where his dick was still visible. "You got a permit for that loaded weapon?"

Damian stared at the cop, his mouth open.

I suddenly realized Damian had pulled my tit out of my dress. Tucking it back inside the halter, I cleared my throat. "Are we breaking some kind of law, officer?"

"Yeah, you are. It's called public indecency."

Damian laughed nervously. "Sorry, man, we didn't think. Won't happen again."

"Uh-huh. I'll let you two off with a warning this time." The cop gave us a hard look. "Behave yourselves, kids."

"Will do," Damian said.

The cop ambled away.

I scrambled off Damian's lap. "Guess we better wait till we get home."

"Home?" Damian was just zipping up his pants. "I thought you were a guest."

Why had I called the resort home? The truth hit me, and I had to tell him. "Not anymore. The resort is my home, and I want to work there with you, Ollie, Mara, Eve, and Val. This is where I belong, with the kind of family that loves me no matter what."

"Everybody loves you, Heidi. Your parents are the only dicks in the room."

I leaned over the center console to kiss him. "You're so sweet. Thank you for tonight, and for everything else."

"You're welcome." He turned the key in the ignition, and the vehicle grumbled to life. "Now let's get home so I can make love to you the right way, without any risk of us getting arrested."

"Guess you better obey the speed limit in case that cop keeps tabs on us. We are degenerate criminals, after all."

"We haven't been arrested, so we're not criminals. Unless there's something you haven't told me."

I buckled up my seatbelt. "Nope. What you see is what you get."

Maybe that hadn't been true for the past few months, but it was now. I'd stopped hiding my natural tendencies and gotten back to being my truest self, the woman who took work seriously but loved life and knew how to cut loose. Damian had helped me get there. On the ride home, I couldn't think about anything else except how much this man I'd known for only a short time had changed my life. He meant more to me than any of the other guys I'd dated. Suddenly, I needed to tell him that.
