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"They say you did ninety-nine percent of it."

"No, I just—"

He pulled us to a stop in the middle of the vestibule and turned toward me, grasping both my hands. "Don't do that, Heidi."


"Don't downplay how much work you put into this. You did it. You." He tugged me closer. "You are an amazing woman. That's why I love you. That's why everyone loves you, but me most of all."

Gazing into his eyes, I knew he meant every word. "Thank you, Damian."

He took hold of a lock of my hair, twining it around his finger. "Marry me, Heidi."

"Huh?" Yeah, that was my response. One grunted syllable. I couldn't make any other sounds, not with him looking at me with so much love and sincerity on his face and in his eyes. My pulse pounded in my ears, my heart thudded in my chest, and the sweetest warmth I'd ever experienced glowed inside me. I loved him. I wanted to marry him. Now, if I could only get those words to come out of my mouth. But again, I could speak only one syllable. "Yes."

He cradled my face in his hands. "Are you sure? 'Huh, yes' isn't the most definitive answer."

"Sorry. I was surprised, that's all." I laid my hands over his, where he still held them on my cheeks. "Yes, Damian, my answer is yes. I love you, and I can't wait to marry you."

He smiled, and though it wasn't a big grin, it conveyed all the emotions he felt for me better than the most exuberant grin could. When he kissed me, he did it with the same heartfelt emotion, pressing his lips to mine but not deepening the kiss. He held his mouth to mine for a moment that seemed to last forever, but only in the best way.

Then he pulled away, his lips curving into another heartfelt smile. "Didn't mean to blurt out the question like that, but I suddenly couldn't wait."

"I'm glad you blurted it out."

"Maybe we shouldn't tell everyone until later. This is Mara and Ollie's big night."

"Yeah, we should wait." I looped my arms around his neck. "We'll have the best wedding planner ever, huh?"

"Definitely." He linked his hands at the small of my back. "And I'll have the best partner for the rest of my life."

"Me too."

He hugged me tight and kissed me.

The doors to the reception room swung open.

We turned our heads in that direction.

Val and Eve locked the doors in the open position, then finally noticed us. Eve smiled. Val arched one brow and smirked.

"The bride and groom are ready to head out," Eve said. "If you two can press pause on the make-out session for a few minutes."

Damian peeled our bodies apart and straightened his tux jacket.

He and Val opened the main doors and held them, each leaning back against a door. Eve and I stood beside them.

The happy couple walked out of the reception hall hand in hand, grinning and whispering to each other, while their parents and Ollie's sister followed close behind. Once everyone exited through the main doors, the rest of us hurried down the steps after them, heading for the waiting limo. Sunset glowed pink and purple in the western sky, providing just enough light for the big goodbye.

Everyone hugged Mara and Ollie and wished them the best of everything.

When I hugged Mara, she whispered in my ear, "I know you and Damian will be the next to say 'I do,' and it won't be long at all." She drew her head back to aim a knowing smile at me. "Maybe he's already popped the question?"

How did she know? Maybe it showed on my face. "Don't worry about me and Damian. Go, have a fabulous honeymoon. I expect Ollie to be completely exhausted when you guys get home."

Val opened the limo door.

Ollie held out his hand to help Mara into the car.
