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The newly minted husband and wife trotted down the aisle and out the doors, with the rest of us close behind. They raced across the vestibule and out the main doors, then climbed into a waiting limousine.

Another, bigger limo waited to ferry the bridesmaids and groomsmen to the reception venue.

Heidi and I sat beside each other during the ride, holding hands.

Like a real gentleman, Val had offered to be Bailey Jackson's "date" for the reception since the teenager was the only kid in attendance. Eve was his "secondary date," but she didn't mind coming in number two. Bailey was thrilled to be included in the wedding party and to see her brother get hitched. We arrived seconds after the bride and groom, but the party was already in full swing.

Music. Laughter. Dancing. And yeah, food. Sylvester wouldn't starve today.

Everyone was having a great time. Val danced with Bailey and showed her some classy moves, then he danced with Eve. I danced with lots of women but kept missing out on taking Heidi for a whirl since every other guy here wanted to hold the blonde bombshell in his arms. We glimpsed each other on the dance floor, but I'd have to wait awhile longer for my chance.

But it was my turn to dance with Mara.

"You're the most beautiful bride ever," I told her as I took her hand and we assumed the appropriate pose, moving slowly to the music.

"Thank you, Damian. But I'm sure you'll change your mind about that when you and Heidi get married."

Though I kept dancing, her statement stunned me. Maybe it shouldn't have, but then, Heidi and I hadn't been a couple for long.

"Married?" I said. "We're nowhere near that point yet."

"But you're moving toward it faster every day. Aren't you?"

"I don't know. Not thinking about that stuff."

Mara's lips curved upward in a knowing smile. "Oh yes, you are."

"No, I—"

She nodded past my shoulder and stepped back. "Heidi's ready for you."

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Heidi, standing alone at the edge of the dance floor and smiling at me.

"Go," Mara said. "And think about what I said. There's no such thing as too soon when you're with the right person."

Mara kissed my cheek and trotted off to find her husband.

I walked over to Heidi and held out my hand. "May I have this dance?"

"Yes, please." She settled her hand in mine. "I've been waiting for this dance forever."

And I'd been waiting for her forever. I just hadn't realized that until today.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Damian guided us around the dance floor, one hand on the small of my back and the other clasping mine. He looked gorgeous in his tuxedo, even better than when he'd worn his black suit. The expression on his face made me feel warm in the sweetest way and made my throat tighten. Was I giving him that same adoring look? I did adore him, so yeah, I must've been gazing at him that way.

The wedding had been beautiful, emotional, perfect. I loved watching Ollie and Mara speak their vows, but I loved dancing with Damian even more. Somehow, I could feel blissfully at peace and so damn horny all at the same time.

He bent his head to whisper in my ear, "Still want to get it on? I saw a closet in the hallway."

"Can you read my mind? I was just thinking about how horny I am." I slid my hand up to his neck and tickled his nape. "You make me feel every kind of good there is. And yes, I'd love to get it on with you in a closet or anywhere."

"Glad to hear it." He led me off the dance floor and toward the double doors that opened into the main hallway of the community center, which tonight served as a wedding reception hall. He glanced around as we exited the room, and the doors swung shut behind us. "You did such an amazing job with the decorations, and it's even more impressive considering how little time you had."

My cheeks warmed up. No one had ever complimented a job I'd done, certainly not the way he just did. "Thank you, but Mara and her mom had already done some of the work."
