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"That's right."

"I'm not well-versed in the history of the gypsies, but it has always fascinated me. Everything historical interests me."

"Happy to give you a palm reading while you're here."

Alex raised one brow. "Don't think I'll risk finding out what the Fates have in store for me. I prefer to live in blissful ignorance believing only good things will come my way now that I have Catriona. The past is prologue, but it's not the denouement."

I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded cool.

Heidi cleared her throat. "Can I ask you a personal question, Alex?"

"Go on. I'm not at all shy. Shameless is more accurate."

The Brit and I had something in common. Who knew?

"Okay," Heidi said. She hesitated before asking, "How did you deal with having bad parents?"

Alex studied her for a moment, his head tipped to the side. "Am I sensing a bit of a kindred spirit in you, Heidi? Are your parents not the sweet, doting sort?"

"No. They're not as bad as yours, but they aren't ideal either. They've always made me the center of their arguments, even when I was a kid, and even after they got divorced."

I draped an arm around her shoulders. "Heidi told them off a while back. I think they're still recovering from the shock."

Alex braced his arm on the fence, tapping one finger on the board. "My best advice for dealing with rubbish parents is to pretend they don't exist. If your mother and father should ever want back in your life, you'll have to decide whether to let them in. Unless and until that happens, make your own family with the friends you have here. It seems as if they're already like family to you."

"Yeah, we're all super close. And you're not the first person who's told me family is what you make it, that blood isn't everything."

"That's true. I'm about to have parents-in-law, three brothers-in-law, and two sisters-in-law, not to mention an army of Catriona's cousins. Then there's my half-brother, though I had no idea he existed, and vice versa, until a few months ago. My brother has cousins too, and they've sort adopted me." Alex smirked. "I'm positively swimming in family."

Heidi wasn't swimming in family yet, but she had plenty of people who loved her. I got why she'd asked Alex how he dealt with having jerks for parents, but I was also pretty sure she wouldn't have gotten upset if he'd told her he had never made peace with his past. Heidi had moved beyond all that too. I still hoped one day her mom and dad would get over their issues and start acting like adults. I wouldn't hold my breath, though.

We talked to Alex for a little while longer, then we returned to the resort to check in with what the rest of the gang had done in our absence concerning Alex's big wedding. Heidi went to the office to sort through all the ideas the gang had come up with and start formulating a plan. I had my concierge stuff to do, so I left Alex with Eve and Val.

Halfway through the afternoon, I stopped by the office to check on Heidi. She was poring over the information on several pieces of paper that were stapled together.

I settled onto the chair beside the desk. "How's it going?"

"Okay." She held up the stapled sheets so I could see the text printed on them. "This is the guest list. It's four pages long. Of course, some of that is explanations of how each guest is related to Alex or Cat or if they're just friends, plus details about their occupations and ages and how many kids they're bringing. This is more than a huge event. It's like Woodstock and the Super Bowl put together."

"You'll get it all sorted out. But if there's anything I can do to help, just ask." I spread a hand over her thigh. "The only payment I ask for is a blow job."

"Yeah, you're the easiest employee to handle."

"I'm not your employee, but I am your willing slave."

"Thanks, but I'm doing okay on my own." She leaned over to gaze into my eyes from inches away. "But I'll give you head anytime you want."

"Ditto." I slid my hand between her thighs. "Don't forget about our wedding plans. It's only two weeks away."

"I haven't forgotten. It's all sewn up."

"Seriously? Heidi, you are amazing."

"You know, I don't mind if you want to have a bachelor party."

"Got a better idea." I bent toward her to clasp her hands. "Let's ditch the traditional crap about not seeing each other the night before the wedding. I want to give you a full-body reading instead."

"Ooh, I'd love that. It's a date."
