Page 62 of One Hot Christmas

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"Callum MacTaggart," I say. "He and Hugh have been best mates for years. Callum used to be a firefighter, but now he does carpentry work."

My wife glances at Hugh. "What kind of work do you do?"

"I am a wastrel, I'm afraid. A figurehead at my family's company. I spend most of my time getting into trouble."

He doesn't sound happy about that. Might Hugh want to settle down at last? I'll believe that on the day aliens land on the lawn of Buckingham Palace.

Well, Reese Dixon became a family man. So did Nick Hunter. If they could change their lives, maybe Hugh can too. He's a decent bloke deep down, not at all the way everyone outside of our group of friends thinks he is.

"I'd better go," Hugh says. "A desperate Scot needs me to rescue him from a harpy who wants to torture him in the name of physical therapy." He chuckles. "Though Callum has probably exaggerated how awful the bird is. He'll probably be shagging her by the time I get there."

"Have a good trip," I say. "At least you'll have a nice holiday in Scotland."

"Callum says the American Wives Club is determined to help him, whether he wants them to or not." Hugh sighs. "They'll probably try to marry me off too. Well, cheers."

He walks away, disappearing around the side of the house.

"The American Wives Club?" Sam says. "What's that about?"

"It's a sort of club started by the American wives of Lachlan, Rory, and Aidan MacTaggart. Since then, they've recruited every new MacTaggart spouse who's American. They've also expanded to create the British Branch of the American Wives Club." I wrap an arm around my wife and pull her close. "If you haven't been inducted yet, I'm sure you will be soon."

"What does this club do?"

"Meddle in other people's lives. They do it because they want to help everyone find a happy ending." I tug her even closer. "I didn't need anyone to meddle on my behalf. I literally fell into your arms."

"No, you fell into the snow. I pulled you out."

"Close enough. Let's go inside and make some noise."

She lifts her brows. "With all our friends out here?"

"Yes. Are you up for it?"

My wife smiles in the sexy way that always gets me revved up. "Absolutely. Let's do it."

We sneak away and rush upstairs to our bedroom, then we make plenty of noise. Our friends don't give a toss. They've done some wild things of their own, so nobody will complain about what Sam and I do together.

But I can't help wondering about Hugh. Does Lord Steamy want to settle down? What about Callum and the physical therapist? Not sure why, but I have a strange intuition that Hugh's holiday in Scotland might turn into something else. Hugh does have a way with women, and he often causes trouble whether he means to or not.

Not my problem. It's up to the American Wives Club to sort it out.

A few days later, when I tell Nick about Hugh and Callum, he just smiles. "Don't worry. The British Branch is mobilizing for an invasion of the Highlands."

Lord Steamy might wish he'd never gone to Scotland.
