Page 111 of Lachlan in a Kilt

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Ah, the young are so gullible. After all the grief he's caused me, I've earned a touch of payback. Besides, I know he will go to the club no matter what I say. I wish I could see the look on his face when he realizes no one else is wearing a kilt, but I'll settle for hearing about it after the fact.

"Oh aye, American women love kilts," I tell him. "You'll be a hit for certain."

"When I come home, I will have a wife. Care to wager on it?"

"No, I do not."

Erica and I watch Aidan climb up the stairs to board the jet, then we wander back to the parking lot. Just as I've turned the key in the ignition to start up our new Land Rover, my wife turns to me.

"Why did you tell Aidan every Friday is kilt night at Dance Ardor?" she asks.

I chuckle. "Payback,mo leannan. It's the currency of brothers."

"Only to the MacTaggarts." She leans over the center console to kiss my cheek. "Now, since you're in a meddling mood, let's talk about Rory."

"No, Erica. You women are doing him enough 'favors' already." I shift the car into drive and back out of the parking space. "I'd much rather talk about what we're going to do tonight after our son falls asleep."

"Get naked and play Highland lord and master again, of course."

"You are the naughtiest Highland lassie of them all."

And I love that about her. I love her, full stop. I wouldn't change a thing about my life.

I've just steered the car onto the highway when my wife speaks up.

"Since we have time on the three-hour drive to get home," she says, "let's talk about how we can help your sisters and brothers find their soul mates."

I groan. "Can we stop for a wee piece first? I'm famished."

"Sure thing, honey. I live to serve my lord and master."

For the rest of the day and all night, I forget about the rest of the world. Maybe I do want my siblings to find love and start families of their own, but meddling is not the answer.

How will Aidan fare in Chicago?

Only those American lasses know the answer.
