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Grace’s mouth fell open. “I would never have done that.”

“Forgive me if I find that difficult to believe,” he replied coolly.

“I’ve always loved him,” she tried to explain. “But he’s been betrothed for nearly fifteen years. We never had a future until today, and I…”

“I understand.” But the sound of his voice didn’t make it seem as though he understood at all, neither did the fury still shooting from his eyes.

“Daniel,” she began very softly.

“Is your conscience bothering you, Grace, is that it?”

“I—I—” She shook her head.

“You want me to tell you it’s all right. That we weren’t married and so you didn’t make a cuckold out of me. Will that make you feel better?”

She shook her head again. “I simply wanted to explain. I—”

“You’ve explained,” he snapped. “And I’ve heard everything I intend to hear.” Then he shut his door very firmly in her face.

“Grace?” Mama called down the corridor. “I’d like a word with you.”

Her nerves were frazzled and she thought she might be sick. “Not now, Mama,” she begged.

“Right now,” her mother insisted. “Your brothers are speaking with Lord Prestwood right now, and I think you and I need to have a conversation as well.”

Chapter 13

Mama had rantedfor nearly two hours until her words had all blurred together, and Grace couldn’t remember how the conversation began and was completely drained when it finally ended. The short of it was, Grace had disgraced the family with her actions and had mortified Mama in front of Lord Downe and his family.

Bad as all of that was, Grace was fairly certain Oliver was getting the worst end of the deal. He’d been in with Braden and Quent in the study easily twice as long as she’d been with Mama. And they were still barricaded behind Braden’s door.

Not even a peep had come trailing out into the corridor.

Grace smoothed her hands over her arms in a vain attempt to soothe herself. But for heaven’s sake… “What are they doing in there?” she muttered.

“Well, there’s no screaming,” Hope replied, a few feet away. “So I think it’s safe to say they haven’t cut off his bullocks.”

“Hope!” Patience breathed out. “The things you say.”

Grace glared at her most adventurous sister. “You’re hardly helping.”

Hope shrugged. “Just stating the obvious. If there was yelling and screaming, I’d be worried. Since there’s not…”

Grace turned her attention to Patience. “Was there any yelling when I was in with Mama?”

“There were some loud voices for a bit,” she said. “And it sounded like Braden smashed his fist into his desk once, but no blood-curdling screams.”

Grace breathed a bit easier. If her brothers had killed Oliver, they’d surely be out of the study by now, wouldn’t they?

“I do have to say,” Patience added softly, “I am still completely surprised, Grace. You and Lord Prestwood? I never would have guessed that. Not in a million years.”

“She is the best secret keeper of all of us,” Hope said. “And I’ve been replaying all sorts of things in my mind the last few hours. I do believe the breadcrumbs were there, if one knew where to look.”

“I couldn’t tell either of you,” Grace sighed. “I couldn’t tell anyone, and I tried so hard not to love him the last few years. I just couldn’t stop.”

“Poor Grace.” Patience wrapped her arm around Grace’s shoulders.

“Do tell me his kiss is more than justperfectly pleasant,” Hope said, her green eyes searching Grace’s face, which heated under her sister’s perusal. “I can tell by that blush it is.” She grinned. “And that makes me very happy, Grace. You deserve at least that much.”
