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Elvey watched the fire and smoke surge into the sky with an untouched expression.

The meteorite hits were scarcer after Akem had left, so we weren’t in impending danger now. However, Pandemonium would still go up in flames one day.

The sonic blast rocked the tower, but Elvey remained unfazed.

Then a second character entered the scene. Sybil, who hid herself above a broad beam, gave the new one a full scan for my benefit before focusing on his jet-black horns that had to be three feet long. She seemed fascinated by his horns.

I recognized him as the demon captainFomorian. He was a giant species with green skin. He approached Elvey with the very intention of towering over him, especially with his horns, but Elvey didn’t even turn.

It was obvious who dominated the room.

Through Sybil, I could feel power rolling off Elvey.

“I’ve been wondering where you have been, Lord Elvey,” Fomorian drawled. “You’ve done a lot of sightseeing, engaged in some unusual activities, and refused to share information.”

My bitter curiosity rose. What had he been up to since he’d vanished from my chamber in a flash of light? I hated to admit that I craved to know more about him.

“What do you want to know, Fomorian?” Elvey said. There wasn’t the slightest emotion in his richly masculine voice. “By the way, I brought down the ward in the tower, or you wouldn’t be able to enter. A very powerful witch used to live here. Her magical imprint still lingers.”

There was regret in his voice, as if he longed to meet her. Sharp jealousy suddenly stabbed me and made my throat dry and tight.

What was that for? I didn’t own him. I had only known him for less than an hour without even a kiss, and for fifteen minutes of that one hour, he’d been engaged in a swordfight and verbal spars with Blaze. So, why was I so possessive of him, especially since I already had three princes?

If they knew, they’d be hurt. I darted an ashamed glance at them. The princes watched me attentively but didn’t disturb me while I retrieved information from Sybil.

To my selfish relief, I could shield my mind from them if I desired, though we seemed to have links between us now.

“Thank you, Lord Elvey, for kindly lowering the ward,” the demon captain said in a sarcastic tone, his purple lips pulling back to show a mouthful of jagged teeth. “I just owe you another favor. Oh, right, never owe a Fae a favor. But I don’t know if it really counts, since you’re only a half-blood.”

I’d been right then when I’d guessed he was a half-Fae like me.

“Why are you here, Fomorian?” Elvey still didn’t turn to face his companion, as if the smoke twirling into the gloomy sky in the distance was more intriguing. “I thought you couldn’t stand the sight of me.”

“Did I have a choice when Queen Tianna paired us up on this trip?” Fomorian spat. “And I have to listen to your lame orders while you have no care for this mission to be successful.”

Was Queen Tianna a Fae queen, a demon queen, or something else? I held my breath as I worked my way through Sybil’s memories.

“That’s where you’re mistaken,” Elvey said coldly and casually. “I very much intend for this mission to be successful. I have a personal interest in it.”

“I know where your interest lies!”

Elvey turned around and regarded his companion with a pitiful look.

“The half-blood Fae girl, like you, tried to trick us into the black tower,”Fomoriansaid, obviously trying to further goad his opponent.

My heat skipped a beat. His calling me half-blood Fae had just revealed that the demons knew exactly who I was. He knew my three Fury forms were a ruse.

He was a true enemy who had come to hunt me, sent by his queen.

So,Queen Tianna could be the one who had something to do with my curse. But how had I offended her? I hadn’t even met her. I’d never done any harm to anyone before I’d been teleported to this doomed planet as a monster slave.

Elvey chuckled. “Isn’t she clever? If she’d known that your species is hive-minded, she would have used a different strategy. If she hadn’t tossed two of your minions into the tower, you wouldn’t have known the Vampire Tower can trap your kind.”

“But you know! You smelled the ensnaring magic in the black tower.”Fomorian glowered. “But you didn’t tell me anything about it. I could have gotten myself into the tower and be trapped forever. That’s exactly what you want, isn’t it?”

“Even if you got into that tower, you’d wiggle your way out,” Elvey said in a bored tone. “Probably after a few centuries.”

“Do not underestimate me, Elvey.” Fomorian’s voice was laced with the promise of black revenge. “I’m not that easy to get rid of, unlike others you eliminated. You’ll need to watch your back this time.”
