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“Oh, I can watch my back just fine,” Elvey said, a cold smile tugging the corner of his sensual mouth, his magic tensing like a whip.

Sybil had almost flapped her one wing and escaped the witch’s room, but good Sybil had held still.

The demon wasn’t immune to the rippling power in the room and stepped back, a surprised, angry look crossing his dark-green face. “If you think I’m afraid of you, you’re truly mistaken, Lord Elvey. I didn’t come on this trip unprepared when I was informed who I’d end up with. The queen gave me a spell that’s lethal enough to subdue your power. Consider yourself warned and learn to behave in front of me.”

If I were him, I would never reveal that. It was best to let your opponent underestimate you. But it seemed that the demon captain couldn’t help himself, which meant Elvey had always had the upper hand in their past dealings. And the demon captain didn’t want to give up any chance to threaten his adversary.

I should take advantage of their dislike of each other. Fomorian for sure wanted my heads, but Elvey wanted something else.

What did Elvey want? How could I get hold of him and pry more information out of him?

Of all the hunters, Elvey and Fomorian seemed to be the only two who had known my true identity before they had headed here. And they hadn’t been sent by my crazy grandfather.

“Blame yourself for being out of the queen’s favor,”Fomoriancontinued. “Quit your little, pathetic rebellion acts, and you might get your spot back, though it won’t be easy.”

Elvey yawned. “How long will you be content to be her lap dog?”

Anger flashed in the demon captain’s charcoal eyes. “You aren’t above me, Elvey. You just don’t realize it yet.” He then guffawed, as if suddenly he got it. “Oh, you realize it. You hate every minute of it that you’re as much her slave bonded by blood as I am.”

Elvey swallowed, and for the first time, rage, colder than glaciers, burned in his eyes.

Knowing he had finally hit a nerve, the demon captain chortled heartily. “You don’t want her favor. You want freedom. I see. You’ve tried as subtly as you can for centuries to be free of her, but you failed repeatedly and pathetically. The queen will never release you, not until she breaks you completely.”

An ache expanded in my chest. What power did the nasty queen possess to enslave the formidable Fae mage? My thoughts drifted to Akem for a second. Could she be more powerful than the entity? Elvey didn’t want to return to her, but if the blood bond required it, he would have no choice.

Just like I was shackled here by a curse.

A hatred I’d never known toward the dark queen filled in my heart.

“Wait,”Fomorian continued to gloat, as if this was his time to shine. “If Queen Tianna learns that you let go ofthehalf-dragon, half-Fae bitch when you had the chance to disconnect her head from her neck, she’ll shatter your bones until they heal and shatter them again when we return. She’s probably learned as much as she needs through our blood bond.” He regarded Elvey with a predatory interest. “You can’t really block her through your shield, can you?”

Elvey regained his composure with a careless, yet cruel smile, as if nothing in the world ever mattered to him, not the sky falling, and not his dire fate.

“Leave me, CaptainFomorian,”Elvey said formally, menace exuding from his icy cold voice, going with it was his power that thinned the air.

Fomorian panted, face darkening to purple for a second as if he struggled breathing. He seemed to want to throw something at Elvey to stop the mage’s power, but instead he stepped back. “If we don’t have the Furies’ heads, the queen will have ours,” he sneered. “Keep that in mind.” Then he turned and stormed off.

Elvey flicked a finger, and the door shut behind the demon captain.

He returned to gaze out the window.

Sybil carefully preened her feathers, waiting for Elvey to step away from the window, so she could phase out of it. She was eager to return to me before she forgot things.

Elvey turned and looked up at Sybil, who perched on the broad beam, with a grin. “Hello, Sybil.”

“How—how do you know my name?” she demanded furiously.

“Your thoughts are loud enough for anyone to hear,” Elvey said with a deep, coaxing voice.

I narrowed my eyes. Was he trying to charm my favorite spy?

“Not that loud,” Sybil protested.

“Fine, but you’ve been following me all this time, haven’t you? Did Daisy send you to spy on me?”

I felt my face flame.

“I’m not telling you,” Sybil said.
