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My scales of blue and scarlet glimmered under the gloomy sky, my tail swept mightily, and my wings spread to their full-length magnificently.

I opened my jaw, my fangs sharp and my fire hot.

Fire poured out of me making its way toward Fomorian. Dragon fire was hotter than anything, hotter and more potent than my Furies’ black fire. It should have melted the demon captain to wax, but thick, black smoke twirled around him like moving walls, shielding him.

My dragon fire dissipated against the attacking waves of smoke.

Fomorian turned his red gaze toward me. Fear and rage gripped me at the same time. It wasn’t the demon captain looking at me, but someone who had the scent of the great evil I’d encountered in the great hall in Elvey’s illusion.

It hadn’t been an illusion at all.

“It can’t be,” the evil incarnation peering through Fomorian screamed with pure hatred and madness. “You can’t break the curse. You must die!”

Black smoke gushed out of his eyes and shot toward me like black lightning just as I lunged at him from the air.

My two Furies, who hadn’t returned to me when I’d shifted, dove in front of me with shrieks and blocked the smoke. The waves hit them, turning them to dust immediately.

I roared in grief and pain and wrath.

Yet my dragon remained unharmed.

A flash of light blasted in front of me.

“You’ll not touch her!” Elvey roared, and swung his sword with lightning speed, the blade with glowing arcane symbols piercing the demon’s shield of smoke.

Fomorian’s head lopped off. It tumbled to the ground and rolled to face up toward me, his three-foot-long, black horns dulling.

The evil withdrew from the demon’s eyes as it lost holding to its host, who was truly dead this time.

“Fomorian had no heart,” Elvey said to Iokul as the black smoke of magic left the ice dragon prince. “The only way to kill him was to behead him.”

Iokul looked at Elvey warily, went to pick up his sword, and staggered toward me to defend me.

I hovered above Elvey with a hiss in my dragon form, and he looked upand smiled at me.

“Hello Daisy,” he said slyly. “Sorry to disappoint you. I know it’s anticlimactic. A hero usually makes a great speech before he puts down the bad guy, but Fomorian carried a spell that could render me useless. I didn’t want to give him the upper hand and put myself at disadvantage, so I had to go with a sneak attack.”

“I’m not going to blame you for being sneaky,” I said, pulling my lips back in half a snarl. “But you could have killed Fomorian before he hurt Iokul!”

“What big teeth you have, Daisy dearest!” Elvey called, pretending to cringe from me. “And your breath is hot with fire.”

I closed my mouth, my jaw clenched at the insult.

If it wasn’t because he’d saved Iokul, I might have let him taste just how hot my breath was! Then I felt my dragon’s cheeks flaming. No, I wasn’t talking about kissing. I was referring to my dragon fire singeing his—

No, I didn’t want to ruin his masculine beautiful face, but I could burn away the curls at the top of his lavender hair. It would grow back.

“And I’ve always had a thing for a fierce, formidable woman who possesses fire,” he said, an amused smile dancing in his vivid blue eyes. “Anyway, if I’d killedFomorian sooner, your dragon might not have showed up.”

I had a hunch that he was using this duel to push me to the edge to set my dragon free. He was playing with fire.

“Iokul could have died!” I said.

“I was willing to take the risk,” he said.

I narrowed my eyes. “At the risk of my mate’s life?”

He looked at me darkly. “And my own life. If you hadn’t broken the clutch of the curse today, you might never have been free. We only had one shot, and I wouldn’t let it be wasted.”
