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When I’d thought he could be my friend or more, he’d shown me an enemy face. And when I’d nailed him solidly as one, he’d turned out to be an ally.

I sighed inwardly. Elvey would always be unpredictable, dangerous, and mysterious, a man with his own vendetta.

Before I could further question him about my curse and its origin, the demon horde bellowed and jumped from the spectator seat into the arena. “Traitor!”

At the same time, the dragon warriors ran from the other side and charged toward them, swords and spears ready, led by their roaring princes.

And then everyone, including the clans of the City of Nine, threw themselves into the fray. “Kill the horned ones—the demons!” I shouted to my monster army.

Henry howled, bloodthirsty and hungry, and darted toward the demons after the dragon warriors.

The arena rumbled with yells, snarls, the sounds of crossing blades, laser beams hitting flesh, bullets bursting out of guns, and screams of pain.

The carnage had begun.

The vampires also jumped in. They had no interest in fighting me or anyone else. They only had one purpose—replenishing their livestock. They snatched all seven of the hunters and several demons and zoomed away. But they’d be back to get more.

“Here they come,” Elvey said casually and delightfully. “Time to defend milady.”

I did not look like a milady.

I was the Dragon Princess DaisyDanaenyth and the Fury Queen.

I roared the battle cry of the dragon, calling for all the dragons, my fire shooting out toward a wave of the demon horde.

The dragons responded with their roars.

In front of me, wings took shape, scales flashed, and tails swept into the enemies.

The princes shifted to dragons first, and all their men who were full-dragons followed suit.

Rai was the biggest dragon with gray scales, decorated with blue. Blue meant a royal dragon. Thunder shuddered across the horizon at his roar, and lightning flashed across the desolate sky.

Blaze had orange-red scales like fire, some blue scales spotted on his head and along the spine. He poured out a stream of fire in satisfaction. Fire was Blaze’s element.

Iokul was a silver dragon with blue scales on one side of his tail. While Blaze melted part of the demon army with molten fire and Rai impaled some with his bolts of lightning, Iokul sought out the rest and turned them into ice chunks.

My dragon flame lit the entire grandiose coliseum like the wildfire.


OnMistress’sbridge, we peeked out the view window.

Smoke twirled into the gloomy sky; dragon fire sparked here and there across the City of Nine.

Blaze, Rai, and Iokul, all in their man form, stared hard at Elvey, demanding answers, as did I.

I was in my Fae form; my three Fury forms had become the thing of the past.

Only my jungle monsters missed having their Fury Queen.

My monsters had chosen to stay in Pandemonium’s jungle instead of leaving with me to the new world—all except Henry and Sybil.

“So?” Blaze gestured at Elvey impatiently.

“Congratulations,” Elvey said. “When you all were near extinction, Daisy’s instinct to protect her mates activated the link between you. As soon as the tether became alive and was strong enough, it gave her the magical strength she needed to break the curse.

That’s why the duel was necessary. Now all of you can shift, and Daisy can stay in her lovely Fae form as long as she wants.”
