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Our scent blended. We were one.

We sprawled across the bed, limbs still tangled. My dragon mates gazed at me with passionately tender feelings. I peeked into Blaze’s gorgeous golden eyes, my fingers tracing his mask of a dragon holding sun and fire. Then I turned to Iokul’s icy silver eyes and touched his white mask of an ice dragon dancing in snow. At last, I held Rai’s piercing sapphire gaze above his mask, and heat pulsed between my thighs again.

Rai brought down my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles.

My heart ached. They could shift to dragons now, but the masks stayed with them. “Only half of the curse lifted off you,” I said. “We need to figure out why, and what we can do so you are completely rid of the curse.”

I didn’t mind their masks, but I wanted to see their full faces.

“We’re fine,” Blaze said. “We have you, and we can shift. The masks don’t bother us much.”

That was a kind lie.

I knew how much they hated their masks and how insufferable it was to wear them for nearly a century.

“Maybe the warlock has something to do with it,” Blaze said thoughtfully. My mates had developed a habit of blaming Elvey for everything that wasn’t working.

“Elvey has a reputation of playing pranks,” Iokul added. “And he seems to know about our curses more than anyone. Last time, he even made fun of our masks. Our inconvenience delights him.”

I planned to pay a visit to Elvey soon, but not for my mates’ masks.

“Elvey might know something about why your masks haven’t come off and doesn’t want to share information,” I said. “But I don’t think he made them stick.”

Rai nodded an agreement. “Maybe it means we still need to earn your love, so we won’t take you for granted. There are still tests and trials ahead. And our masks are a good reminder.”

“We can handle any trial,” Blaze said. “We’ll walk over hot coals for you, honeybee.”

“You are dragons,” I said, arching an eyebrow to tease them. “Hot coals are the easiest for you.”

Blaze ran his hand through his golden hair that had a hint of red. “What I meant is—”

I sat up and kissed his lips hard under his mask. When I pulled away, I saw the glint in my whiskey brown eyes through the reflection in Iokul’s silver ones, as he learned over for a kiss as well.

Rai pulled me to him, his hard cock pushing up against my thigh.

Heat flooded my core all over again.


Mistresswould be leaving in the next hour, but I had unfinished business with Elvey. He wouldn’t be leaving with us, and I’d failed to persuade him to. I knew his reasoning, even though he didn’t say it. He could say no more, for fear of her or her hunters finding me sooner than I was ready. He believed that he’d keep me safe by staying away with me.

He was bound to his queen by blood, and I’d marked her as my enemy.

I knew exactly where he was now. Somehow, there was a faint tether between us, even though he wasn’t my lover.

He was brooding alone.

I had to say farewell to him, and my princes, who all wanted me more than anything and devoted themselves to me, understood and respected my need to have a private moment with Elvey.

Rai stood at the entrance of the spaceship, watching me, yet did not follow me, as I strode toward the Witch Tower. They would only rush to my rescue if I was in danger.

The gray tower was a skyscraper that was in better shape than the surrounding buildings amid the ruins, despite a quarter of its top having been sheared off, probably by a meteorite hit.

The Wickedest Witch in the universe had once dwelled here. With my help, she’d escaped Pandemonium with her Archangel mate and the wolf shifters.

The Archangel had fulfilled his vow to me and delivered my message to the old Dragon King, my grandfather. And the king had sent bounty hunters to collect heads of my three Furies. Only among them were my true loves, who decided to win my heart instead of beheading me when they met me.

They would all accompany me home and to our new journey, rain or shine. While I was comforted by their unconditional devotion to me, my heart was broken that Elvey wouldn’t join us.
