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I climbed the marble stairs all the way until I reached the witch’s old throne room. Just as I’d expected, Elvey stood by a majestic window, staring outside.

His lavender hair was an inch longer than the last time I’d seen him. It was still half-wild, which gave him a seemingly harmless, sexy appeal, but I knew better.

He wore a simple, black shirt and dark trousers—a scholarly disguise.

I padded past the pillars of red marble and moved toward him.

In my Fae form, I could be fast, quiet, and stealthy.

He didn’t turn, though he’d registered my presence before I’d entered the room.

He was waiting for me. He’d known I would come.

We stood silently while our gazes met through our reflections in the tinted glass window. His eyes were the color of the stars that held ancient mystery and new promises. They held my deep blue ones intently, and I wished the light in them would never burn out.

Finally, he turned to face me, offering me a guileless smile.

“Daisy, darling,” he purred, my name seductive on his lips.

My heart fluttered, and my pulse spiked.

I thought I’d settled down with my three mates, yet he still affected me.

My eyes roved from his god-like face to his broad shoulders, to his hard chest that couldn’t be concealed by his shirt, and to his long, powerful legs.

A lithe, lethal panther!That was what I thought of him every time.

He was large, but his perfect proportion often gave a viewer a false impression, until one found him towering.

I raised my gaze up back to his face. I wasn’t ogling him. I told myself. I was only committing his features to my memories, since this might be the last time I saw him.

At that note, my throat tightened again. I darted my eyes away toward the window to cover my tight emotions.

The city wasn’t burning as badly as before. If it weren’t for the trail of smoke still twirling into the overcast sky, it would have looked almost peaceful.

“Last chance, Elvey,” I said, pulling my gaze back and looking at him. “Come with me.”

“I like it here.”

I snorted. “So you can party with the vampires, cannibals, and a band of criminals?”

“Why not? They’re colorful characters, especially the vampires. I might even invite myself into the black tower and see if I can get myself out.”

“You don’t want to do that, Elvey,” I said. “The only one who ever got out is the Wickedest Witch in the universe, and that’s only because she had a blood bond with her Captain of Guards. Kaara bled every drop of her blood to free her mistress.”

“Good to know. All I need is to find someone who’s willing to sacrifice for me,” he said, as if that was the easiest thing to do. Then he sighed. “If I’d come to this planet earlier, I’d have met the witch.”

Fiammetta was all ice, steel, and darkness, yet she was gorgeous. Jealousy punctured my heart. I widened my eyes. That was uncalled for. I’d told myself repeatedly that Elvey didn’t belong to me, and would never, unlike my dragon princes.

“Fiammetta has a mate,” I said. “Her Archangel is the most possessive and brutal male I’ve met. He slew half of my jungle monsters for his witch.”

The corner of Elvey’s lips tugged up in amusement. “My interest in her is merely magical. Her ward intrigues me. I’ve never seen anything like that. Even after she left, her residual magic is still powerful. If I could borrow her ingredients or spells, I might be able to guard you better one day.” His eyes grew distant and predatory for a second. “I need to guard you well.”

My breath hitched, and a slim hope rose in me. So, he didn’t plan on being a permanent citizen here. He would join me in the future.

“She warded her tower with TimeFire. She can open a door to any part of the universe in any time period, and that was how she trapped Akem, the elemental who once ruled this planet and enslaved me.”

“Interesting,” he said, his pale blue eyes sparkling wickedly as a dark scheme obviously wheeled in his head. “What you can’t kill, you contain.”
