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“Your Majesty,” she said, bowing her head an inch.

“Lady Odelia, thank you for coming,” I said. I hadn’t had time to learn much about her other than her name.

Her piercing eyes softened with glistening tears. “I once crowned Princess Zuzana when she was named heir to the throne. I’m glad you returned.”

The mention of my mother made my throat constrict, but I didn’t show the sentiment in front of everyone else.

“Shall we get this ceremony going?” I asked.

She smiled, her tears gone. “That’s why I came.”

I looked around at my court and a small army gathered behind me, Adrian and Jarrod among them.

Murderous rage burned in Adrian’s eyes. Zembyr must have briefed him about the dragon princes’ treachery. And even so, I wouldn’t let anyone lay a hand on them or exact revenge on them. They were still mine. Even when they became the thorny issue, they were mine to deal with. I would soon remind the Fae before anyone tried to do something foolish like assassinate Blaze, Rai, and Iokul.

Under an ancient gray tree, Elvey and I took a simple vow before Priestess Odelia.

“I loved you before I met you, Daisy Danaenyth,” Elvey said, “and I’ll love you even after the world ends, after all the stars turn to dust. I’ll guard you and cherish you until my very last breath, and even then, my spirit will protect you from all harm.”

“I loved you at first sight, though I didn’t know it back then,” I said. “My heart, soul, and body all belong to you, every piece of me, utterly and completely and deeply. I vow to the God of the universe, I’ll allow no one and nothing to take you away from me again.”

Tears glinted in Elvey’s eyes. He pulled me to him and kissed me before the priestess even asked him to kiss his bride. The kiss burned me and imprinted on my soul, and heat roared in my blood.

Odelia sent Elvey an annoyed yet amused look.

“As all have witnessed,” Odelia said on a sigh, “I now announce you husband and wife. But King Elvey, you might want to break up the kiss. We need to finish the ritual with the final blood bond.”

Elvey kissed me deeply for a few more seconds, then reluctantly left my lips. I could feel my lips were already swollen and heard a few chuckles in the crowd. But I couldn’t blame Elvey. He’d hungered for me for an eon.

Odelia handed Elvey a sacred dagger with glowing runes on the blade. He sliced along the center of his palm and handed me the dagger. I followed suit and swiftly sliced the length of my palm, then we grasped each other’s hands and our blood merged.

We tightened our grip on each other, and tiny droplets of our mixed blood dripped to the forest floor.

A matching bonding rune appeared on our arms at the same time, radiating before etching permanently on our skin.

We were bonded for eternity.

“It is done!” Odelia announced proudly.

“Long live Queen Daisy and King Elvey!” those gathered around us chanted and cheered.

I heard a satisfied, collective sigh from the forest spirits. Above us, blue and silver blossoms bloomed and glowed like little stars.

Sihde had taken in our magical blood and made a small miracle with its own magic to bless our union.

Elvey grabbed me for another kiss.

I kissed him back vehemently, giving him all I had, but my heart still ached. My three dragon princes were no longer with me. The four of us were supposed to be a completed picture. While I’d finally gotten back the last piece in my soul, I’d lost the other three pieces.

Elvey’s kiss turned to sunlight, its warmth and brightness dulling the pain radiating from my heart.

The court approached us. Rosalinda, Adrian, and Zembyr all came to clasp Elvey’s shoulders to congratulate him before we broke our kiss.

Adrian was less cheerful than the others. Zembyr must have told him about the Challenge. And he knew why I’d rushed the wedding. I wanted them all to witness this, so they’d accept Elvey’s rule and assist him.

Tianna’s spies were at the boundary of the forest, the spirits said.We’ve kept them out long enough, but their evil queen is coming, and she’ll use her foul magic to force entry and hurt us.

I called for the court to dismiss at the spirits’ warning, and the forest showed them the quickest exit to avoid Tianna’s spies.
