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My princes decided not to shift to dragons since there wasn’t enough space. Blaze and Iokul charged ahead with furious roars, swinging their swords swiftly toward the sentries. Blades crossed against each other, sharp clangs echoing off the walls, followed by the terrible sound of steel piercing flesh and bones and screams of pain and curses.

Elvey and Iokul brought up the rear, facing Tianna and her royal guards.

All of my mates insisted on positioning me in the middle. It was beyond annoying. But then, there wasn’t enough space for me to fight in the front or rear.

Elvey pushed his blue light behind my White Light to reinforce it, holding against the onslaught of the filth smoke and purple light. The smoke traversed along our defensive line, seeking any crack or fissure. The pressure was immense since Tianna kept drawing power from the black heart, and she was getting stronger every second.

Beads of sweat dotted my forehead.

Two sentinels lunged at us just as Tianna and I both dropped the duel, needing a break. Elvey slashed his sword and beheaded a guard. Iokul raised his hand, and ice spears shot toward Tianna and his minions.

“Don’t use up your reserve, Iokul,” I called. “I’ll need your magic later.”

“I know, honey,” he answered, and a few sentinels dropped in front of him, ice spears buried in their chests, necks, and foreheads.

It was a bloody sight.

“Stand down,” Elvey shouted at the enemy guards. “And you’ll live. Choose the right side and serve the true queen.”

A guard started to withdraw, but Tianna’s smoke grabbed him by the throat and choked the life out of him.

The shouting increased. Footsteps stomped everywhere, echoing all around us.

Zembyr and my royal guards had arrived at the scene with roars and charged the enemies who sandwiched us. Their swords rose and fell. Around me, enemies dropped in defeat, but some of my warriors fell as well.

We pushed forward and fought our way out of the Red Palace.

The black lake, once glamoured in place by Tianna, no longer lapped at the palace.

We stood on the blackened soil in the middle of the wilderness, the Red Palace now behind us.

I looked all around me, my eyes wide in fear.

A horde of thousands of dark Fae, who had sworn fealty to the evil queen, closed in us from all sides.


Tianna’s army in red armor raised their sword and charged.

Elvey could teleport us out of here, but he couldn’t teleport so many people. If I left with my mates, the rest of our warriors and our new court would all be slaughtered.

My subjects were mine to protect.

While we fought, Elvey and I had to focus on combining our powers to keep Tianna’s dark magic at bay. My other mates and our guards formed a battle formation around us.

Then the third wave of the red army breached our defense line.

Rai and Blaze shifted to dragons. Blaze’s fire blew toward the enemy soldiers, and Rai’s lightning bolts speared the ones at the vanguard.

The dark Fae soldiers put shields over their heads and their persons whenever Rai and Blaze blasted them with either lightning or fire. Fuck, I forgot that the Fae had been fighting dragons for an eon. They knew how to defend against dragons.

Rai and Blaze couldn’t cause mass destruction as they were eager to do, but their powerful magic still caused destruction and chaos among the enemy soldiers, which gave much opening and advantage for our small army of warriors.

Rai and Blaze roared another furious dragon cry and tore into the enemies’ rank after their slew of fire and lighting, pushing our foes back.

Arrows rained down upon my dragons.

Iokul, who stayed with us, threw the ice shield in front of his brothers. Most of the arrows dropped when they hit the shield. Blaze’s fire burned some of them, and Rai’s lightning bolts kept finding targets in the middle of the enemy rank and solicited a lot of curses.
