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“My daughter,” he said. “You’ve grown into a beautiful woman. You’ve claimed your birthright and become what you were born to be—the just and fair queen to Sihde, the Dragon Realm, and the six human cities. I’m more than proud.”

He moved toward me, and all my mates immediately stepped in front of me to block him.

“He’s my father!” I snarled.

“One can never fault caution,” Blaze said. “We don’t know who he really is. He might not be who he claims to be.”

“I recognize my own father!”

My father chuckled in amusement. “I like that they’re protective of you.” He scanned my mates. “I’m Raven Danaenyth, Daisy’s father.”

My mates stepped back.

“These are my overbearing, bonded mates,” I said, gesturing to each of my mates as I introduced them to my father. “Rai, Elvey, Blaze, and Iokul.”

“Guard my daughter well but try not to step on her toes, boys,” Raven said. “Or you’ll have me to answer to.”

I didn’t know how that would work since he was nothing but a spirit now.

My father seemed to realize it and shook his head with a wishful sigh. “I have to go now, Daisy. I’ve used up my time. I needed to say goodbye and tell you I couldn’t have hoped for a better daughter. All my suffering was worth it just to see you today. I must go find my beloved wife, your mother.”

“Go, Father,” I said, tears still glinting in my eyes. “Go find her.”

“We love you. We always will,” he said, his feather-light fingertips touching my cheek.

He shifted to a massive red dragon basking in light, and then he was gone.

I buried my face on my mate’s shoulder. It seemed to be Rai’s because the scent of storm and autumn wrapped me in its protective and powerful embrace.

When the last sob left me, I raised my head and gazed up at my mates. And joy burst in my soul.

The mask dissolved from Rai’s face. When my eyes searched for Blaze and Iokul, who also pressed around me, their masks were also gone. It was as if their masks had never been there before.

They’d passed the trial. The final piece of the curse had lifted off them.

They grinned at me. For the first time, in centuries, their skin breathed free air.

Their faces were as masculine and gorgeous as I’d pictured.

Blaze’s ember eyes sparked with liquid heat, his skin golden. His curvy lips looked even more sensual without the metal mask above it. I’d kissed those lips hundreds of times and still couldn’t get enough of them.

My face flamed as I thought how he would soon ravish me with those lips. He winked at me, obviously sharing the same thoughts.

Iokul cleared his throat, reminding me of his turn. The wind ruffled his flowing silvery hair down to his shoulders.

My gaze fixed on his icy silver eyes. No mask would ever cover half of his face again. His skin was paler than his brothers, his nose straight and noble. My ice consort king was both masculine and elegant. When we returned, I would taste his sculpted lips that burned hotter than fire.

Then I returned to Rai, my most level-headed mate, who had played a role of being the nastiest bastard toward me during the Challenge. It’d hurt him more than it’d hurt me.

My fingers traced his sun-kissed strong face, like I’d always fantasized doing.

He shuddered at my touch, the first touch on his face after nearly a century.

I peeked into his heated sapphire eyes and was lost into them.

Finally, my gaze found Elvey, who watched us with fallen stars wheeling in his hooded eyes.

“This has been wicked fun,” he said. “But let’s get out of here, shall we?”
