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He grabbed me, and I seized my other mates just in time.

And we teleported in a spark of light and shadow.


Sihde was healing, like the Dragon Realm.

The magical barrier between the two realms had been removed. However, Sihde was still forbidden to the humans, and I didn’t want to break the tradition that had been forged since Fae came to existence, for good reasons.

I might be a revolutionary, but I was also pragmatic.

Who knew what the humans would do? Someone would get greedy. Someone would trap a Fae and experiment on their immortal DNA since Fae were more like humans than dragons were.

We brought almost every exiled dark Fae back to Sihde. After centuries, they finally had a safe home. That was the least I could do for my mother and our people.

To the dragons and humans, I was the Dragon Queen. To dark Fae, I was the Fae Queen. And to my monsters that Elvey had brought from Pandemonium to aid our war, I was still their Fury Queen. The monsters and beasts now live in the rainforest between the Fae and the dragon realms. They were forbidden to hunt outside the rainforest.

My mates and I divided our time between the two realms. Our new thrones in Sihde were set in the gemstone-adorned palace in the Forbidden Forest, which had returned to be one of the most beautiful, dreamy places on the planet.

The blossoms shone like little stars and never faded, the magic beneath the soil was potent like the choicest wine, and the music flowing with leaves, wind, and spirits made every heart full of joy and poetically melancholy at once.

A pure magical stream sparkled at the back of my palace.

Yet we didn’t live idly.

The world wheeled by, life went on, and the potential enemies schemed and lurked in the shadow.

King Finrod and Queen Nerida visited us often. Nerida loved the shine of twilight in the Forbidden Forest.

And if we craved for Fae coffee, we would visit them.

Finrod refused to share the recipe, just to entice us into the Flowing Isle.

My four mates still bickered and kept competing against each other, and now with Elvey joining us, it got messy sometimes. Elvey still loved to rile up everyone. Often, it was Elvey and Iokul against Blaze and Rai. But whenever we faced outside force, we were a united front.

They said happily ever after is supposed to be a fairytale. I’d come from a dark fairytale that turned out to be so bright. My four mates wanted me more than anything in the universe and cherished me every second of the day. I believed in true love, but I also believed that you had to keep fighting for love and never take each other for granted.

But to be honest, sometimes I did wonder if it were but a dream that I had four hot mates who tasted sinfully divine. And sometimes I had nightmares that convinced me that I was still the three Fury beasts shrieking above the jungle with unbearable loneliness and unquenchable rage. Whenever I had those bad dreams, one of my mates would wake me up, cradle me in his arms, and then bury his massive cock deep inside me to persuade me that he was real, and they were all real.

My dragon princes also suffered nightmares every now and then.

“Fuck,” Iokul said. “I dreamed about painting the demon bitch’s toes again. It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever done. Fuck.”

“You took the blunt hit for us, brother,” Rai said, giving Iokul an appreciative look. “We did what we had to do. We’ll do it again if we must to keep our mate safe.”

“Next time, one of you will do the toes,” Iokul said. “Because I’m done with them.”

“What about our mate’s toes?” Elvey asked with a smirk. “Will you deny Daisy the pleasure? If you could paint other woman’s toes—”

I gave Elvey a scolding glare, but he intentionally avoided my eyes.

“Well, in that case—” Iokul sighed.

“No more toe-painting on anyone,” I said firmly. “Not now, not ever.”

All of my dragon mates looked relieved.

“I don’t mind painting your lovely toes, dearest,” Elvey said. “And I’ll even suckle them to make you feel really good.”
