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My toes curled, and I suppressed a moan.

Blaze and Rai glared at Elvey. Even Iokul, his best pal now, sent him a look of disapproval.

“Since you all mentioned it,” I asked. “Why did you have to do it physically, Iokul, when you could have used the glamour you borrowed from Elvey?”

“The damned demigod forbade us to use his glamour for ‘trivial things.’ Those were his words,” Blaze explained for Iokul, since his brother didn’t want to sell Elvey out. “We didn’t want to mess it up and have the demon bitch finding out about the glamour. So, we used it only when absolutely necessary, like in the end.”

In the end, when Tianna had thought all of my dragon kings had betrayed me and were fucking her, they’d only fucked with her mind.

Still, the memory of that fake act haunted me like a lasting bad taste. I wasn’t beyond pettiness.

“Do you know how hard it was to restrain ourselves from touching you,” Iokul whispered under his breath, his silver eyes flashing with torment, “when all we ever wanted was to touch you and hold you.”

“We had to fight so hard not to come to you, so we wouldn’t ruin the plan,” Blaze said, his golden eyes turning molten in anguish. “The nights were most difficult. We got used to holding you in sleep. We pined for your soft, warm body curling around us.”

“I was the one who truly hurt you,” Rai said, shadow of guilt, shame, and anger coating his sapphire eyes. “I laid my hands on you.”

The memory of him backhanding me by accident and sending me across the ground flashed before my eyelids. It’d hurt him more than it’d hurt me. He still couldn’t forgive himself for that.

“If you never want me again, I—I don’t know what to do,” he said, his voice breaking, his eyes pleading.

I’d denounced all three of them in Tianna’s former court. I’d struck back harder at them in double revenge. And I’d learned that both Iokul and Blaze had punched Rai and broken his nose for that mishap, and Rai had begged them not to stop.

I touched Rai’s masculine beautiful face. His skin felt so warm and smooth without a mask. “It was an accident,” I said. “And you—all of you—did what you had to do to save me. I can’t even imagine what you’d gone through. So, no more guilt. No more sacrifice. And no more keeping me in the fucking dark. I’m serious. I’m far from over it. You’ll have to learn to trust me and earn my trust again.”

“We promise, love,” Iokul said, “as long as you give us a second chance.”

Elvey leaned against the wall, watching us.

We sprawled on the vast bed in the Golden Palace in the Dragon Realm, resting. My dragon mates stroked me with their hands. Our dynamic interested him. I met his gaze and smiled invitingly, beckoning him to come to us.

Yet he did not join us.

I didn’t want him to feel left out, but I’d give him time and space and let him get used to this first.

He was one of us, no matter if he realized it or not. He would eventually. We had all the time in the world, and I was learning to be patient.

We would leave instant gratification to the mortals.

“It infuriated us more than anything to watch Elvey have his uncouth hands all over you,” Blaze said. “It was the worst torture ever. I wanted so much to punch his face, but my cold logic kept telling us to back off while he was protecting you.”

Elvey’s hands were anything but uncouth, but I wouldn’t point it out. I didn’t want to take a side, even though I had almost rolled my eyes at Blaze’s comments.

“As I said, the demigod got the best deal,” Rai grunted. “While we had to breathe through our mouths subtly, so the demon bitch wouldn’t know how her stench put us off, while we had to constantly come up with clever excuses to fend off her unwanted advances and harassment, Elvey was enjoying and fucking our mate every night.”

“Not just every night,” Elvey said with a grin of challenge. “The mornings were just as fantastic.”

“Why don’t we just punch him now?” Rai hissed.

“Bring it on, bitches,” Elvey said with a lopsided grin.

“Hey! Hey!” I shouted sternly before anyone could move to deliver a blow. “What did we say about being civilized? Can’t you boys keep the promise for even two days?” My voice turned to whimper. “Can’t I even have peace for the evening?”

My mates all looked sheepish before they glared at each other.

My manipulation worked for only a second.

“You put up with a shitload from us, honeybee,” Blaze said. “I’m so sorry.”

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