Page 31 of Baby

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The Prez nods, mumbling “aye” first, shadowed by the rest of us agreeing as well. We’d be happy to increase our body count. It makes it less of a threat coming up against another club if our numbers are high.

Vike follows up his brother’s remaining vote with everyone’s orders. “It’s settled then. I’ll head to Ares’ charter afterward and let him know we have a new brother in the area. Don’t want any of the other brothers to fuck Mercenary up for thinking he’s representing our colors without permission. Odin, you and my ol’ lady, make sure there’s a room ready for our new brother.”

“Will do, Vike,” he replies.

“Ex, Spidey, and Chaos, prepare to roll out first thing tomorrow. Joker wanted Mercenary gone as of yesterday. We just had too much shit goin’ on to make it happen that fast.”

They nod, and Spider scribbles on the paper a bit more. He’s probably making a travel list as well as planning out the easiest route already.

“Saint, Sinner, Nightmare, you three set up a rendezvous point with Spider along the border and get whatever you need to meet up with them. Make sure you’re packin’ plenty of heat; I don’t want you caught unprepared. If anyone fucks with you, shoot first, and we’ll ask questions later. We’ve lost too may brothers not to send a message at this point.”

“All right,” I mutter, and the other two agree as well.

I’d have preferred us being with Ex and Spider, but the Prez has the final say, and I have to roll with it or else be voted out to go NOMAD again. At least Viking isn’t a pussy when it comes to handling business. I couldn’t imagine belonging to a club who had one for a Prez.

“Blaze, let the club sluts know we have fresh meat on the way, and they need to give him a warm welcome. I’m sure the brother is stressed; the club would be coming down hard on him for this. And do inventory; it may be time for Chaos to pick up another batch of moonshine.”


“Torch, get with my ol’ lady so she and the others can set up a welcome party for our new brother. I want Ares’ charter included in it as well, so get with Cain. His ol’ lady will want to help, I’m sure. Also, take Smokey with you to check on the whores. We need to keep that steady money coming in from the johns.”

“No problem, Prez.”

“Good. Like I said, he could be tense. Keep it in mind if he comes off hostile at first. Anything else?”

We glimpse around but all remain silent, ready to carry out our orders.

“It’s settled. Get shit done,” he commands and slams the gavel down, officially ending this session of church.

“Chicago, Saint?” Sinner mutters coming up beside me as we tread down the hall.

The walls have various club photos lining the way, leading straight to the kitchen. We left Jude in there, and I’m betting she’s either still in the same spot or sitting outside.

My boots feel heavy hitting the stained concrete, the alcohol stupor still not completely lifted. It doesn’t stop my brother from talking though. “It’s cold as fuck up there. We ride at night, and our dicks will freeze off. We got it easy, sticking to Texas.”

“Don’t care, just tired of being cooped up.”

He chews the inside of his cheek and says, “Why don’t we take Jude somewhere for the night? We can drop her back off tomorrow and then take care of club business. We have enough time.”

“She’s staying? You asked her already?”

We hadn’t actually gotten to speak the words aloud, but he knows what I meant by telling him to figure shit out. She has to stay here for good if my idea works and he needs to get on the ball about it. If she commits, then I’ll have her and Sinner for good, which is exactly what I want. If he thinks taking her out of town for the night will help steer her in our favor, then I’m all for it.

“Well, no,” he admits, appearing a bit sheepish. “But she hasn’t asked to leave yet.”

“So, you’re finally giving in? She told me the first night about how she’d flirt with you and shit, but you’d shoot her down each time. You’re stronger than me; I’d have been all up in her pussy before she could even blink.”

“I figured you’d gut her if you did find out and sleeping with her would’ve made it harder to leave her behind when it was time. I already struggled when I couldn’t go check on her when I felt like it. I didn’t think this would be the outcome, to be honest.”

“Thought about it,” I admit, shrugging it off. “I needed to be around her to see why you even gave a fuck in the first place. It’s different; you caring about her like this. I wouldn’t just randomly kill someone you care for in spite. I have my reasons for doing the shit I do.”

“I know that. At first, it was the guilt for killing her mother, eating at me. Then I started looking forward to seeing her whenever I could. I guess it grew from there without me even realizing it. One day she was cute but annoying, the next I couldn’t get her out of my head.”

“You should’ve spoken to me sooner. After everything we’ve been through, I don’t get that part. That’s what bothered me the most, not finding out from you telling me directly and from the very beginning.”

“I’m aware of that now, but you’ve been kind of stir-crazy lately. I’m not making this your fault, don’t get me wrong. I’m being real about it all. Whenever I’d think of telling you about her, I’d picture you in a rage, sacrificing her or scaring her. She’s not like us; she’s never been through the shit we have been. You and me, we’re not exactly normal.”

I reply, cocking a blond eyebrow up in his direction, a bit wounded by his preconception. “You of all people know I only do that to bad souls. I would’ve killed her mother from what I’ve heard of her. Then maybe just fucked baby and left her alone after. Hard to say. She’s more my type then yours, anyhow.”
