Page 38 of Baby

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“I uh, had no idea.” She gestures toward my groin.

“About the size or the piercings?”

Did I mention my dick’s pierced several times? I have five bars in a row down the girth in a neat row. My barbells are shiny silver and ready to give her some pleasure.

“Can I touch them?” She bites her lip outright staring and I growl in response. Can she touch me? Fucking right she can, any time she wants to—especially there.

Grabbing her hand, I lead her to the spot in question. She runs a fingertip up and down the neat row a few times making my abs constrict. “More,” I demand, enjoying every second and her gaze flicks to mine then back to my thick cock. Each time she stares at it, I want to fill her up until she breaks.

Her fingers run up and down them several times and then I draw her up to her knees as well. “Now with your tongue,” I order, and she swallows, leaning forward to appease me.

She doesn’t put the whole length in her mouth as I’d expect, rather she runs her tongue up and down the piercings, and the sensation I’m rewarded with is insane. Chicks are always quick to throw the dick in their mouth without any outside tongue action. I’d forgotten what innocence was like. It’s fucking bliss.

“Holy shit, baby girl, that feels so damn good.” With my approval she does it several more times, licking my dick all over like it’s a lollipop. I’m in heaven. I thought it’d be good sinking inside her pussy, but this definitely works too.

The bathroom door opens a few beats later with Sinner filling the space, a cloud of steam escaping around his body. He’s naked and hot, just the way I like to see him the most. “Come here,” I command, turning my attention back to the stunning woman who’s busily working me over.

My back grows warm with his heat behind me, his body near enough to feel the temperature change. His mouth presses to the back of my neck. the place he knows makes me wild. He bites, scraping his teeth lightly against my flesh. I love a little pain with my pleasure.

There’s no confusion as to what we’re going to do, or why we’re here. The three of us want each other, and there’s nothing standing in our way from having it. I plan to sample them both as many times as my body will allow me to. Saint wants to keep Jude, so I say we fuck her into submission. Her pussy will be so sore riding on the back of my bike tomorrow, she’ll never want another man in her bed.

“Jude,” he calls over my shoulder, making her stop her divine torment. Her swollen lips beckon me to push her on further, not wanting her to quit. “I’m going to fuck you tonight sweetheart,” he tells her bluntly. “We both are.”

The best damn thing I’ve heard him say all day. “You good with that, baby?” I question, tilting her chin, so she peers up at me again. Or I could always stick my dick back between her lips. That was working mighty fine for me.

She nods, agreeing immediately. She wants it as bad as we do; she has since the first time she lay in her bed with me.

“Answer me, now.”

“Yes, daddy.” The term falls free, reminding me that I’m in control and it’s so goddamn sexy.

“Jesus, that fucking mouth,” I utter, holding her in place so I can kiss her again and delicately bite her lips. After a moment, I pull Sinner around in front of me as well.

“You gonna boss me too?” he mumbles playfully.

He’s well aware that I will if I feel he needs it, but tonight, we’re both alpha for her. I won’t attempt to overshadow him in any way. We can both possess what we desire.

“You have her first,” I offer, and his smile widens, dipping in to kiss me. His tongue tangles with mine, completely different from the soft woman beside us. He’s hard everywhere, just as I like it. The differences are magnificent, fulfilling everything I need in a mate, or, in this case, multiple lovers.

His strong hand grips my neck as he makes love to my mouth and fills me with promises for the future. He’s happy, and he’s satisfied. It’s what I want for him, to give love and feel the love in return. He’s never felt worthy of such a gift, and he’s done more than his share to receive it.

When he’s finished taking my lips with his, I give them some space. He’ll be gentle enough with her, so she’ll enjoy it. I don’t have that type of self-control. I didn’t when I was with him the first time, and I want her experience to be different. Besides, I can always corrupt her with sweet torture, once she’s been broken in a bit.

Sinner lies back, easily pulling me over his body to straddle his lap. He’s aroused and more than prepared to have me. I can’t stop my eyes from skating over him entirely; his muscles are exquisite. The angle of his jaw, that inky scruff, all of it calls to me, inviting me to do what I’ve dreamed of.

Leaning forward, I run my tongue along his sharp jaw and nip at his strong chin. Sinner’s arms strain and begin to shake before he wrenches me away.

His eyes are angry and full of need. His mouth falls open, his lips parting to let loose his heavy breaths as he stares at me, attempting to restrain himself. “You ready for me, Jude?” He grasps my biceps tightly, holding my core directly over his length.

“Wait,” Saint interrupts, moving to position his body behind me.

His palm slides over the curve of my hip at the same time that his mouth lands on my neck. My back meets his solid chest, and his fingers find a spot between my legs that’s full of pleasure. It’s the same place I’ve touched before, the one I’d fantasized Sinner rubbing as well. Saint’s tongue laps and swirls, his teeth nip, and he sucks with his lips pressed against my throat. The sensation paired with his hand between my legs has me panting, my eyes rolling heavenward.

Sinner reaches between us, his finger finding my entrance, grazing lightly at first, and then pushing through the tight entry. My hips begin to rock back and forth as my mind imagines it’s me riding him into oblivion. I may have felt my nub many times, but I’d never ventured as far as putting my fingers inside my core. He doesn’t hesitate though, driving his in me as far as he can.

“Christ,” he utters as Saint groans against me. “Fuck, I’m a bad man for doing this. She’s like a vice, brother; her pussy’s so damn needy and tight.”

My eyes shoot open, shit when did they close? My gaze meets his as I admit, “I don’t want a good man. I want one who’ll do all the filthy, wonderful things to my body that I could ever imagine.”
