Page 10 of Cherry

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He was young when it all went down, so it was to be expected. I knew from the start he didn’t belong to me. Hell, I was enjoying the other brothers back then too. Odin didn’t begin to notice me until after I’d been sucking him off for about two years, alongside the other club whores. Once he started picking me over the others, though, I began to let my guard down. I was stupid to think I wouldn’t fall for someone so young. I should’ve known it’d end up being a brother to capture my heart; they’ve been the best thing to happen to my life.

I’m stupid now for continuing to fall for the Vice President of the club. He’ll never be mine; I’ll always be the side chick—the whore.

“Cherry?” My gaze snaps to Blaze as his voice calling my name finally breaks through my thoughts. “You okay, sugar?”

“Yes! I’m just a bit tired. Sorry guys. What were you saying?” I direct toward him, leaving it open for whoever was speaking when I was buried in my head. Even though I ask, I’m not sure if I really want to know what they were just saying.

“We were placing bets on whether Mercy May will stop by for a quick fuck with our VP here, or if she’ll go straight to Spin’s.”

I cringe inside, remembering her last visit. She was such a hot mess, screaming out in the parking lot, creating a scene. With tears rolling down her face, she’d yelled for everyone to hear that Odin had knocked her up and then dumped her when he’d found out. Eventually, she admitted it was a lie when Spin showed up, ready to murder Odin. He’s fiercely protective of his younger sister. The woman’s nothing but drama, doing whatever she can to randomly stir up trouble with Odin. I don’t think she ever fully got over him and that I can’t blame her for. However, it doesn’t give her any right to keep messing with his life.

And it doesn’t mean I want her ass back here, ever.

“Not that it’s any of my business, but I just hope she doesn’t pull the same thing as last time.”

Odin grumbles his agreeance behind me and Blaze snorts. “No kidding, that chick is bad news.” I’m obviously not the only one who is tired of her stirring the pot.

Torch shrugs. “I heard she’s cleaned up her act. She’s supposedly a different person now, but who knows.”

Of course, she is...that’d just be my luck. I’m sure she’s dyed her old black and blue streaked locks with the rocker haircut to sunny blonde, probably took her face and twat piercings out and wears knee length dresses now. Odin will be thrilled to see his old conquest go good girl after having her heart broken by him.

Pulling another sip from Odin’s ice-cold beer, I set it to the side and lean up next to his ear. With a whisper, my lips barely graze his lobe. “Want me to take your mind off of it?” The last thing I want him worrying over is Mercy and what she’s up to next.

His thumb brushes over my hardened nipples, a smirk back on his luscious mouth as he shakes his head. “I appreciate that, Cherry, but I have shit to do.”

With a swallow, I step back, coming uneasily close to Torch. I can’t find it in myself to care now though, I’m hurt inside. I’m instantly thinking it must be Mercy that’s making him turn me down. I wish he’d let me make him forget about her for good.

“What’d you offer him, Cher?” Blaze cuts in, “Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer if he’s too stubborn to give in.”

Blaze is charming and even sweet sometimes, but I’ve gotten used to warming Odin’s cock. Honey and the last hang around have been servicing the other men. With a false smile and an aching heart, I admit, “I was offering to take his mind off...things.” My stomach clenches, hoping that blaze won’t ask me to distract him as well.

“Always thinking about our VP’s comfort.” He nods and I keep the smile plastered. “How about you come help my thoughts clear instead? I could use some female company after being around these hoodlums today.” I want to tell him no, but in reality, I have no reason not to spend some time with him as he requests.

Torch rolls his eyes, tossing back the remainder of his liquor. My gaze shifts to Odin, not realizing it and damn if it doesn’t seem like I’m seeking his permission. I open my mouth to give is why I’m here, after all, and I can catch serious shit if I deny the brothers without a claim patch on my back.

Odin interrupts as I start to speak, cutting me off.

“Actually Blaze, I need you to run Princess to the store. I’m going over to see if my brothers came home yet and she needs to get out of that damn room. She’s been cooped up and she looks like a shell of herself. Take her to the hair place or whatever shit she normally does. I need her to start looking like my brother’s ol’ lady again and less like a ruined woman.”

“I can do that, but she’s been through some shit. She’s not gonna look back to normal after a hair appointment.”

“Hell, we all know that. But when Vike returns, I want it to hit him right away that he’s a stupid motherfucker for ever hurting a woman like my sister-in-law.”

“You gonna fill us in on what’s going down between them? Besides what we already walked into and saw for ourselves?” he asks.

“Nah.” Odin shakes his head, the long, tight blond braid barely swaying with the move. “That shit’s between them and if P wants y’all to know her business, she’ll put it out there. No one needs to be bothering her about it or bringing it up. She’ll talk when she’s ready.”

He’s so loyal to his family; it’s a tribute I admire from him a great deal. I can only imagine how he’ll be when he finds his own woman to claim, but that’s something I don’t want to think about. My heart would really break if that happened, not that he’d ever know it or even care, for that matter.

Odin’s ocean blue irises fall back to mine, his hand lightly squeezes me one last time before he drops it away. “And Cherry, I need for you to clean up her space while P’s gone. Don’t mess with her belongings, but make sure she has clean towels and whatever else she may need just in case she’s here longer. Princess may not be herself right now, but when she’s feeling better, she’ll appreciate the thought.”

I nod, not minding in the least. I like Princess. She’s never been ugly toward me about anything.

“And I want chocolate cake for dinner tonight,” he adds, knowing I’ll beg Princess for the recipe to make it for him. I always do whatever he asks of me, wanting him to be happy and content.

“I can probably make that happen.”

His gaze shines, lowering to take in my body before he murmurs, “You better. I’d hate to have to punish you.”
