Page 29 of Cherry

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“Fine,” I grumble. “I’ve been pent up for a minute and that shit gets old.”

“I have the thing to cure that feeling.” He grins and it’s a bit sinister.

“Oh yeah?”

Torch nods. “Let’s go check on Nancy. It’s been awhile, and we may get a chance to bust a few heads together if anyone shows their ass while we stop in to her bar.”

Matching his grin, I get to my feet. “Nancy will be beyond pissed at us if we fuck her bar up. I still haven’t lived it down from years ago when we stormed her place. The old woman makes me carry her cases of beer and liquor from the storage building every damn time I’m there. She acts like I was the one who shot her ass for heaven’s sake.”

He chuckles. “Then let’s go move some shit for her. Afterward we can fuck some asshole up. It’ll be fun,” the Death Dealer shrugs. “Plus, Viking wants us checking on Scot’s ol’ lady regularly.”

I give in, easily agreeing. I need something to get my head off Cherry’s sweet pussy.

“Odin!” Viking calls across the bar. I shoot Torch a look.

“I’ve been right here, brother. Fuck if I know what he’s yelling at you for.”

“I know,” I grumble. “Still doesn’t mean that you don’t already know what he’s going to say. I swear you’re usually a mind reader or some shit.”

He shakes his head, standing as well. “Don’t turn into a pussy now. Want me to hold your goddamn hand to go talk to him?”

“Nah, unlike you, I get my cock sucked regularly, so I know I still have one. Yours has probably shriveled up by now.”

“Fuck you,” he mutters following me over to my brother and Night as they sit sprawled out on the black leather coaches in the middle of the bar.

“Viking,” I acknowledge, answering his call and Torch follows up with a ‘Prez.’

“Nightmare was just filling me in on random shit I’ve missed. You have an update on that principal who was giving the club’s kids issues? Do you know if Blaze got anywhere with her?”

Shaking my head, I take a seat on the couch next to him. “No, he hasn’t said shit about it.”

Torch cuts in. “I know he hasn’t touched the club sluts though—not even the two new chicks, and normally he’d be all over that shit.”

“True.” Vike smirks. “Maybe he’s secured him a side piece that he’s not willing to share just yet. Whatever he’s up to, I don’t want this coming back on Maverick at school. And, we need to be in on his plans.”

Nightmare nods and I agree. “If I see him, I’ll be sure to bring it up.”

“Good.” He drinks from his bottled water. Ever since he’s returned, he hasn’t touched a drop of beer or liquor. I don’t know if he’s doing it because of Princess or if he drank too much during his fuck up and he’s still recouping.

“Since there’s no one around…” Each of us glances about the empty room at my words. “I wanted to ask you about this new rider you met.”

His brow rises.

I swallow as his lips tighten; obviously not thrilled that I’m bringing it up outside of church. I don’t plan to argue about it or anything—just put a seed in his head. “Did you check with Exterminator or even Spider to see if they were familiar with the Alaskan club? Maybe they know some of their members.”

“Why would I involve the Nomads unless I needed them to be in on it?”

“Well, they’re always off riding in different parts of the country and I know there was shit going on with a load from Canada. I thought maybe someone would’ve heard of the Menace Mayhem MC members. The name isn’t something common.”

“It crossed my mind actually, but I pushed it out at the time. I know which clubs we’re not cool with, and they aren’t on that list.”

I grunt my acknowledgement, refraining from commenting that they aren’t on our approved list already either. If I open my mouth, voicing my concerns it’ll piss him off and that’s not the way to approach shit when you want Viking on the same page as you. I should know; I grew up around him most of my life. He’s stubborn as hell and you have to figure out a way to get around that trade, we both share.

“I’ve invited Grizzly to stop by the compound on his way out of Texas,” Viking shares as he relaxes back into the couch, resting his hands on his jean clad thighs.

It doesn’t only catch me off guard, but Nightmare and Torch both stare at my brother in shock as well. “Did I miss this in church?” Torch asks, voicing the same shit me and most likely Nightmare are thinking as well. Was Viking fucking high on something when he met this biker? I highly doubt the dude is any bit the good guy my brother seems to think he is. It’s hard getting on any side of Viking, let alone his good side. How this guy did it and so quickly is beyond me.

“No,” Vike huffs. “I didn’t mention it in church; there was too much other shit to discuss.”
