Page 6 of Cherry

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“Brother?” Jerking up my pants, I quickly tuck my cock away and fasten them closed. With the moment broken, Cherry follows suit, pulling her shirt back on. She ties the little slit along her breasts and adjusts her pants. It’s hard for me to remain focused on Torch and not watch Cherry’s tits bounce as she shimmies her curvy hips in to the tight leather enclosure.

“Didn’t mean to interrupt,” he begins, and I wave it off. There’s not much modesty within the club; we’re used to falling witness to the brothers getting their dicks wet.

“No worries, what’s up?”

Torch flicks his icy irises back to Cherry and she takes the hint. “I’ll finish catching up with you later, Odin.”

I nod.

She offers a shy smile toward Torch in respect, and then leaves us in privacy.

With an exhale, he leans against the wall to my side and begins, “Talked to Spin.”

“Al right.” I shrug. Spin’s a brother in the OG Oath Keepers chapter. He airbrushes the club’s bikes when he has free time and does everyone’s tattoos. He has a small shop right when you enter town.

“Mercy’s comin’ to town.”

The scoff escapes before I can rein it in. “Don’t care. You know I cut that crazy bitch off a whole minute ago.” There’s nothing good when it comes to her.

I was dumb and fucked Spin’s little sister when we were teenagers. I took her virginity and ever since, it’s been off and on drama where she’s concerned. I let her know from the get-go that I wasn’t hers or anyone else’s fucking Romeo. I was her one-night stand, nothing more. She never took the hint and I tried to do the right thing by the club and by her, but I couldn’t put up with her jealous bullshit. The first time she and I went on a “break” and I had the club whores suck my cock, I knew it would never work out between Mercy May and me.

Torch digs into his pocket, pulling a pack of cigarettes free. He shakes one out, flips his zippo open and lights up. Taking a long drag, he continues, smoke billowing out of his mouth as he speaks. “Mercy ain’t coming back for you, brother.”

I won’t hold my breath on that shit. She never comes to town without stirring some sort of shit up.

Heading for the garage fridge, I grab two beers from the top shelf and take my previous spot against the wall. Handing Torch one, I twist the top open to the other, throwing back an oversized gulp.

Sounds like I’m going to need a beer for whatever he feels necessary to tell me. It must somehow connect to me or else he’d just give me a quick heads-up to watch out for her stopping through to visit her older brother.

He guzzles the beverage in one quick swoop before tossing the bottle at the trash bin. It clangs and Torch’s brow cocks in my direction. We used to shoot hoops together when I was younger, but I don’t comment on it. Those times feel like they’re from another lifetime ago, back when Viking kept me out of the club as much as he possibly could. My older brother was determined to give me what he never had—a decent teenage life without drugs and violence.

“She’s going to be in town for her wedding,” he mutters eventually.

“Excuse me?” I nearly choke on the words. Not because I care, but because it was the last thing I was expecting to come out of his mouth.

“According to Spin, Mercy met some well-off bastard that treats her good and wants to marry her.”

“No shit? And Spin is okay with this?” I ask incredulously. Spin hates anyone with a cock that even looks in the direction of his little sister. It took Viking, Princess, and me pleading my case multiple times for Spin to let me date Mercy back in the day.

“Fuck knows, but he seems happy for her. At least that’s what I got out of it when I heard the news.”

“No fucking way,” I mutter.

I shouldn’t care about it even in the slightest, but hearing him out...well, Mercy and I have a history together. I don’t give two fucks what anyone says, that shit always stays with you. Whether you’re in love with the person or not, when you have history, that shit doesn’t get erased. Mercy was mine for a good three years before she finally started doing for herself. I told her for years I wasn’t the one, but she always came running back to me. We’d fuck, she’d fall in love all over again, and then I’d break her heart. Over and over again. That was our teenage drama.

“Thought you’d want to know.”

“Appreciate it. How’s your girl?” He has a daughter that he’s been raising alone, thanks to her mom getting locked up. You think Torch is a mean motherfucker, you should meet Flame, his daughter’s mom. She’s a crazy bitch, and I don’t mean in the same sense as Mercy. Flame rides her own bike and lights motherfuckers up when they piss her off. Hence the prison time she’s serving.

“Being a pain in my ass as always.”

“Sounds about right.” I couldn’t imagine having a daughter or any kids right now, for that matter. I get to hang out and be uncle to Nightmare’s little dude which is enough for me.

“What are you gonna do about your ex coming to town and getting married?”

Anyone else and I’d tell them to mind their fucking business. “Not a fucking thing. I definitely won’t be showing up to throw flowers down the aisle, that’s for damn sure.”

He snorts. “You forget, I know how stubborn you can be. You and your brother are the same with that. After years with her in and out of your life, you’re really going to let her go like that?”
