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“It looks wonderful. Thank you.” Gerard nodded once and took the dome lid with him before leaving.

“Gerard,” Hades called out, and the servant stopped.

I could see the way his pulse throbbed at the side of his neck. “You and the others can leave for the evening.”

Gerard inclined his head before leaving Hades and me alone in the dining room.

When Hades started eating, that was when I did as well, focusing on anywhere that wasn’t inhisdirection. Although I could feel his gaze on me.

I hoped ignoring him made him feel as uncomfortable as I did, but I doubted it. He was like a slab of cold, hard granite.

The only sounds that filled the room were of the fire crackling and of our utensils gently clanking on the plates.

I glanced at him as he watched me and popped pomegranate seeds into his mouth. Hades pushed the small crystal bowl toward me, and I shook my head.

“You ever have these?”

I shook my head again.

“Try them, sweetheart.”

I didn’t know why I did what he said, but I took one seed and slipped it in my mouth, letting the juice burst across my tongue. His smile appeared satisfied, and it annoyed me.

I realized I’d eaten six by the time Hades reached out and slid the bowl back toward him.


Once we finished dinner, I glanced at him and saw he was still watching me. “Thank you for dinner. It was delicious. May I be excused?” I hated being polite to him. He rubbed me the wrong way, and I didn’t understand why, didn’t understand why he had stirred such a reaction in me.

I also hated that I found him so attractive.

I’d been doing a well enough job keeping my emotions in check after my mother and father passed away. Because if I allowed myself to break down and let it all wash through me, I didn’t know how long it would be before I could pull myself back together.

But being in Hades’ presence felt like he was pouring gasoline onto this burning fire inside of me.

He didn’t respond for a moment, just picked up his glass and brought it to his mouth. Hades watched me over the rim, and I told myself not to react.

But I lifted an eyebrow. It was the only “hurry the hell up” reaction I allowed myself to give. I hoped he felt the sass pouring off me.

I just wanted to go to my room and sleep. Maybe have that good cry, too.

“You’re not excused.”

I curled my hands into tight fists on my lap.

“We have things to discuss. This week, I’ll be taking you to do some shopping.” He rested back against the chair and watched me.

“Shopping for what? I have what I need already. I brought it with me since you demanded it and all.”

The corner of his mouth quirked up slightly. “You need things for school.” He took a sip of his drink. “I got in touch with that fancy as fuck private school you attend and had them change all your forms to have me listed as your guardian and emergency contact.” When I said nothing, he was the one to raise an eyebrow. “Not gonna bitch about that?”

I shrugged. “I mean, it makes sense they’d list you as my emergency contact, seeing as I have no family left.” Not counting my grandfather, who I assumed was still living. I hadn’t seen him in ages, certainly not before he got sick, and never after the fact.

But Michael had never expressed any interest in his granddaughter anyway.

I watched a muscle under his jaw work as he mulled that over.

“You also need clothes. I saw what you brought, and it’s not enough.”
