Page 36 of Little Hearts

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Vibrations began to build as the pressure inside her became almost overwhelming, and then suddenly he stopped.

She opened her mouth to protest but Nick was already shoving his clothes off, tossing them onto the floor, and sheathing himself with a condom.

He positioned himself between her spread legs, hovering right at her entrance. “Last chance to say no.”

Say no?

Was he crazy?

“Hurry,” she begged, even without him touching her she could still feel the vibrations of pleasure hovering close to the precipice of ecstasy.

His mouth curved into a one-sided smile and then inch by inch he was easing inside her. She wanted to urge him again to hurry, but at the same time, she was enjoying the exquisitely excruciating sensations his slow and sensual entrance made her feel.

When he was buried deep inside her, he stretched out over her, his mouth claimed hers, and he balanced himself on one arm so his fingers could resume their assault on her bud as he thrust in and out.

It didn’t take long.

The vibrations grew, spreading from low in her stomach to consume her, and then she snapped, her entire body went taut, and then she was pulsing as pleasure rushed through her. He continued to thrust through her orgasm, his fingers never stopping, dragging out every drop of pleasure he could before he allowed himself his own release.

Aggie felt it rip through him, her body seemed to absorb his pleasure and she came again.

“Regrets?” he asked, searching her eyes as he looked down at her.

How could she regret the best thing that had ever happened to her? And she wasn’t talking about the sex, amazing as it had been. “Not a one.”


7:12 A.M.

Aggie woke slowly, becoming aware of several things at once. First, it hadn’t been a nightmare that had awakened her, her sleep had actually been completely free of bad dreams. Second, the feel of Nick’s arm possessively draped across her waist reminded her that she was here in the bed of the man she loved. Third, that last night’s lovemaking had left her feeling like her old self, or rather an improved version of her old self. And fourth, that she was hungry.

Nick seemed to be sleeping heavily, and there was no reason to wake him, so she carefully slipped out from under his arm. She’d go downstairs and make Nick breakfast in bed. She was positive he wouldn’t mind her raiding his kitchen. Putting her underwear on, she debated between wearing her dress or Nick’s shirt. Eventually deciding on the shirt, she put it on, buttoned it up, and rolled the sleeves up to her elbows as she headed downstairs.

French toast was her favorite breakfast, so she decided she would make that, but first she needed some coffee. Aggie hummed as she rummaged through Nick’s mostly bare kitchen. She was feeling so good today. The worst of the bad feelings associated with her attack were obviously behind her, it was going to be all smooth sailing from here on out. Now that she had fallen in love for real, she realized that all those other times that she had thought she had fallen in love she had just been deluding herself. What she felt for Nick was so deep. It penetrated every molecule of her being. Filled her up completely.

She had just poured herself a cup of steaming coffee when the doorbell rang. Wondering who it could be, she decided she should answer the door so the doorbell didn’t wake Nick if the person rang again. He needed his sleep, Aggie suspected he had laid awake most of the night wanting to be ready to comfort her if she should wake from another nightmare.

Aggie froze as she opened the door.


Sure her eyes must be playing tricks on her.

The mug she’d been clutching in her hands dropped to the floor and shattered into a thousand pieces.

“Aggie?” Nick’s worried voice called out, followed by the sound of his footsteps echoing on the stairs.

She wanted to move, to run away, but she could barely breathe.

“Aggie, what’s … oh.” He skidded to a stop beside her, he was half-dressed, wearing just his pants.

“It’s … it’s …” she could barely get the words out, her mind and her body were frozen in shock.

Placing himself in between her and the man at his door, Nick gripped her shoulders so hard it hurt. Leaning in, his face was barely an inch from hers. “It’s okay, Aggie, calm down.”

“Calm down?” It came out as a near-hysterical shriek. “It’s him.Him. The man who attacked me. He’s here. How did he find me? Call the cops.” She tried to back away from the door, to break free of Nick’s crushing grip but he only held on tighter. “What’s wrong with you? Do something. We need to call for help.”

“It’s all right. He won't hurt you …”
