Page 29 of Grim

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My eyes are quickly darting over my lover’s body, making sure that she’s unharmed.

“Are you hurt?” I ask in a breathless tone.

She shakes her head, but her eyes are wide as she stares at my neck.

“What is it?” I ask as I feel my neck. There’s heat. There’s a pulse. Soft skin. I feel… human. I put my palm on my chest and water fills my eyes when I feel a heart beating.

“Why do you look so alarmed?” I ask with a sinking feeling in my stomach.

“Your… neck. It’s his mark, I think.”

I race to the bathroom, barely noticing that I no longer feel any pain. I’ve been transformed back to my human self and the wounds and bruises are gone.

“What?” I gasp when I see my reflection in the mirror. My skin looks human once again. My hair is brown, my eyes blue, my lips pink, but there’s something new. A skull is tattooed on my neck. Bright orange eyes stare back at me over my Adam’s apple—the mark of the Reapers.

If having this mark is the price it takes to be with my girl, then I’m willing to pay it. I just hope it doesn’t scare her.

Anna creeps up behind me and slides her palm up my back as she looks at my reflection in the mirror.

“It’s kinda sexy,” she says with a warm smile. “I like it.”

I turn and stare down at her, brimming with love. My heart is pounding in my chest, each beat thumping for her.

“This is real, right?” I ask as I look at my palms, at the light skin, at the human skin. “Tell me this isn’t a dream.”

Anna slides her hands into mine and stands on her toes to reach my mouth. “This is a dream,” she whispers as her lips hover under mine. “But it’s also real. But just in case I’m wrong, kiss me before I wake up.”

With a grin on my face and a hungry growl in my throat, I lean down and kiss my sweet soul.



One Year Later…

I love watchingWilliam when he cooks me breakfast. I smile as I watch him moving around our kitchen like a natural, plucking a spatula out of the holder and then flipping my chocolate chip pancake while he stirs up some scrambled eggs with his other hand. He’s come so far since that first morning together when he made a disastrous mess that ended up in Pop-Tarts.

He’s been a human for about a year now and I no longer call him Grim. Only when we’re in the bedroom does that old name sometimes slip out in the lustful screams and cries he pulls out of my throat. He doesn’t mind though. I think he kind of likes it.

“You don’t have to do thiseverymorning, ya know?” I say as I cup my orange juice in my hands.

He looks at me over his shoulder and my body tingles all over when I see those bright blue eyes gazing at me. He’s so freaking hot. Even in the morning, he wakes up looking like a god. It’s not fair.

“Yes, I do,” he says as his warm watchful eyes drop down to my swollen breasts and pregnant belly. “You’re eating for two now. I have to keep you well fed and healthy. It’s my duty.”

“Does that duty come with maple syrup for those chocolate chip pancakes?”

He smiles as he pulls open the fridge and takes the sticky bottle out. “Of course. We’re not animals after all.”

I’m filled with happiness and contentment as I watch him work. That black robe reminds me of his old Reaper cloak (that’s why I bought it for him) and he looks so damn sexy in it. The sleeves are rolled up his thick forearms and I can see the bulges of his biceps straining against the fabric. That sight always gets me going.

He turns back to the stove and I admire his huge hulking back shaped like a V from his broad shoulders down to his waist.Is it too early for a quickie?

Soft music is playing and everything is so peaceful. Snow is falling outside, but in here, it’s warm and cozy and absolutely perfect. It won’t be this peaceful in three months, though.

Our little girl is coming and we both can’t wait.

“Chocolate chip pancakes,” William says as he slides the delicious-looking plate in front of me with a flourish. “Scrambled eggs, toast, and some freshly cut up fruit.”
