Page 30 of Grim

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“Missing one thing,” I say as I look up at him with my chin tilted.

“Right,” he says as he darts back to the island and grabs the maple syrup. He puts it in front of me, but that’s not what I wanted.

“I was hoping for something sweeter,” I tease him.

He smiles when he realizes what I want. A moan leaves my lips as he leans down and kisses me on the mouth.

“How was that?”

I lick my lips as I look up at him, marveling at his brown hair, pink lips, and tattooed neck. “Very tasty.”

I dig into my huge breakfast with my mouth salivating as I drench my pancakes in maple syrup. He’s a good cook now.

This man has learned so much in the past year. He was clueless when it came to any modern amenity—washing machines, dishwashers, computers, phones, the television. He couldn’t even drive.

I had to teach him everything, but he was a quick learner, an eager student, and we always had a lot of fun.

Now, with the baby on the way, we’re going to start the next phase of our lives learning together. We’re finally on equal footing and I’m as clueless as he is.

I’m so proud of him. He got a job at the funeral home in town and he’s been great at it. With all of his experience over the years, it was a natural fit.

My parents adore him now, although that took some time, especially with my mother. She took one look at the skull tattoo on his neck and was convinced he was the antichrist. It was only afterseveralmeetings did she calm down and start to see the sweet caring man he is inside (the turtlenecks helped too). If she ever found out the truth about his past, she’d probably worry herself into a coma. Some secrets are best kept as secrets.

William sits at the head of the table and watches me eat. He still doesn’t have much of an appetite, although you would never know that by the size of him. After one hundred and fifty years of not eating a thing, it’s hard for him to get back into the habit. Or, maybe he just doesn’t like my bad cooking but is too nice to say anything. That wouldn’t surprise me.

“What should we do today?” I ask when I’m near the end of my mountain of pancakes. “You have the day off, right?”

“I do,” he says as he looks at me with a fire in his blue eyes. His light gray eyes were so erotic and sexy, but these are so full of life and brimming with love. Both versions are stunning. I always find him so mesmerizing. Sometimes I find myself just staring at him while he’s busy with something else. I swear I could watch him for hours and never get bored.

“Maybe we could go shopping for baby clothes?” I suggest.

His heated eyes narrow on me. I gulp, knowing what that means.

“That could be fun,” he says in a voice that’s getting deeper and throatier with every word. “Or, we can go upstairs, get those clothes off your slutty little body, slide into bed, and we can spend the whole day fucking like animals.”

I slowly put my utensils down and drop my napkin onto my plate. “Your idea is better,” I say with a nod. “Let’s do that.”

He comes to me and I gasp as he easily picks me up. Six and a half months pregnant and he can still pick me up like I weigh nothing. He cradles me to his chest like I’m the most precious thing in his life and carries me up the stairs.

By the time we arrive at the bed, that precious loving look is gone. He’s all animal now.

My body hums with excitement.

This is going to be a hell of a good day!



Seventeen Years Later…

When I finish my chapter,I lower my book and look around.

The fire is crackling, filling our log cabin with warmth. My beautiful wife and our three gorgeous kids are lazily laying on the couches each with their noses in a book, their feet wrapped up in thick wooly socks.

I take a deep breath and feel my chest expand with gratitude for this wonderful life. Dinner is slowly cooking in the oven, Norah Jones is singing softly at her piano through our speakers, the calm lake is spread out before us in the spectacular view, and all of the fall leaves are breathtaking hues of orange, red, brown, green, yellow, and gold. I’m feeling overwhelmed in the best possible way.

Our oldest, Kirsten, giggles as she reads a young adult book. Her cheeks are blushing, which means she’s probably falling for another book boyfriend. She’s collected many of them over the years. I smile as I watch her.
