Page 17 of Gift of Hope

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We stay locked in a trance, not one of us wanting it to end. Asher, on the other hand, has other ideas.Yap yap.He brings us back to the now.

“Is Asher coming too?” I ask, excited I get to be on a date with both of my favorite men.

“All guidance dogs from this center get to attend. I thought seeing as Asher's been yours for the last little while, he could come along with us, for you.”

I reach my arms around his shoulders, clasping my fingers together behind his head. “Harvey Fort, you say the sweetest things. I’m starting to think you’re my lucky star.” I beam up at him.

“No, Evelyn. Asher will always hold that title…” He leaves me waiting, then pulling his mouth up in a devilish smile, moves toward me so his lips are beside my ear, his breath tickling my skin. “You may think I’m your gift of hope, but Iknow,beautiful, you’re my fate.”

If it weren’t for my arms being wrapped around Harvey’s shoulders, I’d be buried in a mass of satin covering the floor. He’s all-consuming. My heart beats for him, my soul calls to his and my body lights up whenever he’s nearby.

Right now, all I can think about is how lucky I am to have this caring man in my life. I dream of companionship; I yearn for a supporting partner, and Harvey is standing before me in his tux, unwavering, willing to give me the ultimate gift of all—a forever.

Two weeks and three days and I’m falling harder for this man with every new day. It scares me, but it excites me more.

“What are you thinking, Evelyn?” His forehead rests against mine, our noses brushing as his piercing eyes hold more heat than I’ve come to see from him.

I speak my next words in a hushed tone. “I want it all, Harvey. I want it all with you.”

“I’ll support you wholeheartedly, beautiful, near or far—always.”

Time stands still as my declaration sinks in for the both of us. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life second to dancing. Likewise, I’m at my best when Harvey’s around. I’m driven, confident and inspired.

The heat searing through my body wakes a new hunger in me, one I’m eager to explore.

“You have me.”

Three simple words.

Three simple—yet heavy—words that drive home the significance of this moment.He’s mine and I’m his.

“Harvey, I…”

Harvey’s hand is behind my head, pulling me forward, smothering my words with his lips pressed to mine. There’s no holding back. Every sensation and unspoken word is portrayed in this kiss. It’s empowering.

I’m lightheaded, yet I want more of this. I press my chest into him, needing more. He picks up on my tell and if I thought this was hot—we’ve created an inferno.

As we both start panting with heavy breaths, we have no choice but to come up for air. Both of us suppress our true desire; the ultimate intimacy.

“We should get going, beautiful, if we don’t want to be late.” His low tone contradicts his actual words. One says leave, the other doesn’t want to.

“That’s probably a good idea. Let me get my clutch then we can leave.” I walk over to my dresser, my gown floating around my legs and I can honestly say I feel like me again. It’s been months since I’ve worn anything this elegant and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it; I do dearly.

I take my clutch in one hand, then look to the side of my dresser where my walking cane rests against the wall. This is something my parents sent me once I relayed to them that I’d been making a miraculous recovery, but wasn’t yet able to spend long days on my feet or at the very least, without a mobility aid.

Taking my cane, I walk to where Harvey is, still standing in the middle of my room, holding his elbow out for me. “Such a gentleman,” I thank him as I slip my arm through his and he leads me through the door, with Asher accompanying us.

Chapter Twelve


“Are you ready for this?” Harvey asks, turning in my direction as I watch the flashing lights get closer and closer.

“I think so. It seems like an age since I’ve attended an event of this stature.” I marvel at the large crowd lined down the red carpet laid down for our entry.

The closer we get, the heavier my chest feels and the faster my heart starts beating. “You’re nervous. Breathe, Eve. I’ve got you, beautiful.” He reaches over to grasp my hand in his, giving it the gentlest squeeze of reassurance.

“How do you always do that?” I ask, wondering how he’s able to read me so easily.
