Page 18 of Gift of Hope

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“Do what?”

“Read me like an open book. Analyze me. Then act like it’s the most natural thing to do.”

“It comes naturally. Look, we’re here. Are you ready to show everyone who doubted you what you’re made of?” Harvey’s not-so-subtle change in topic isn’t forgotten, but as our car comes to a halt his smile broadens and it returns the excitement of the reason we’re here.

“Are you ready, Asher, baby?”Yap yap,he barks tilting his head, becoming excited at my tone. “Come on, boy. Let’s show everyone what we’re made of.”

Our chauffeur opens the car door, and the flashing lights are almost blinding. Harvey takes Asher, cradling him under his arm as I’ll not be able to hold him. I gather the skirt of my gown, moving it around so I’ll be able to exit the car easily.

Harvey leans inside the door, offering me his hand. Without hesitation, I take his offering and gracefully slide from the car. The instant I’m out, I hear their recognition as my name’s being yelled across the open air.

As the chauffeur closes the door, Harvey helps me to make sure my gown isn’t going to trip me up before we make our way up the red carpet. As I’m about to start walking, Harvey holds his arm out for me to take, as he did earlier. This time, however, I can feel how tense his muscles are through his tux.

Knowing how much the media eat up any form of negative energy, I paste on the smile I’ve done for many years now. All teeth and little give.

Giving Harvey’s forearm a tight squeeze, I ask, “Everything okay?”

His head turns in my direction and I see the pain written on his features; the hard set of his jaw. His eyebrows pinched together. The storm in his eyes, one no doubt created by the loss of his sister. Now I realize how hard this is for him and why his earlier conduct was out of character.

“Harvey?” I’m starting to worry. He’s closing off and I don’t know what to do.

As we ascend the stairs that lead into the event center, Harvey starts to relax a little. No matter the number of people yelling our names, or the questions being thrown at us, the only thing that matters is getting us in the building.

“I’ve got you, Harvey. Do you trust me?” I have a plan and I’m hoping that it’ll appease everybody enough to make our quick entrance worth it.

“What are you planning on doing? They’re vultures out for a story, Evelyn. You should know that better than anyone.”

I know he won’t be too happy with what I’m about to say, not without talking about it first, but I know deep down, that it’s the only way to cheer him up in the long run and let us get inside.

I turn away from Harvey, but with our arms still linked I address the rude reporter that has yelled out,“Miss Jackson, how long have you been seeing Mr. Fort? Are you with him because your career is over and you miss the fame? Is he your doctor, Miss Jackson?”

Standing tall, I ready myself to let the press have their one and only comment from us.

“Miss Jackson and I are none of the public’s business. And for the record, Evelyn could still dance circles around you lot. No further comments.”

I’m taken aback by Harvey’s brashness. I don’t think he realizes what he has done, or how the media are going to eat the pants off of his statement.

He does it again with the mind-reading. “I was only trying to protect you. I knew you were going to out us the moment you squared your shoulders. I’m not ready to share you with the world just yet. And besides, they would have made up an absurd story regardless of what we told them. This way, they can keep guessing.”

“Harvey…” I breathe.

“NO, Evelyn. Please.” His voice is demanding, yet holds hints of pleading. The softie of a man I met has his walls up and, in his place, stands the domineering businessman I first met; among other things.

As soon as he finished addressing the media, he led me through the foyer doors toward the main entrance and the doorman that’s welcoming guests.

We stop as we reach them, my arm no longer linked with his. Facing the doors, he slumps his shoulders. “Please, can we just get tonight over with?”

I’m starting to think coming here was a mistake, then he surprises me again. “I’m lost without her here, Eve.”

My heart is still.

It’s like someone reached in and squeezed it tightly.

“I was only trying to throw them off, Harvey. I’m sorry. I understand how hard this might be, but would Harriet want you to be this closed off that you’d not enjoy what she created. She needs you to be the foundation’s strength, Harvey, otherwise what is it all for?”

He makes the move to run his hands through his hair, then stops. With his head still bowed, he turns to look in my direction, then straightens and rights himself. I stand strong, believing that his change in demeanor is from my words.

We are mere feet apart but it still feels as if he’s stalking toward me, the tension in the room brewing causing my breath to hitch. This seems to be our thing. He looks at me all predatory-like, I melt from his presence then he stakes his claim with a peck on my cheek and then rests his forehead against mine. “Thank you.”
