Page 37 of Riley

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“Well, since we have most of you here, your mother and I want to say something.”

Brad glared at my father as the rest of us looked around nervously. “Don’t you dare say one of you is terminally sick,” Brad growled.

“No, we are fine, but we wanted to tell you how much we appreciate how quickly you all responded to help yesterday. I know you have been close to them for years, but I think you all being there for them yesterday was helpful. If something happened to one of us, I imagine that they would do the same for us.”

My mother stepped next to me. “They are going to continue to need us. I know the kids didn’t know about her illness, but Riley and I did. Riley was with her right before she passed, and the two of us had spent a lot of time with her and Richard this week to help them as needed.”

“How did you two know?” Kayley asked.

“I saw them coming out of the doctors, and they looked like their world had been turned upside down. I went over to see them, and Richard told me. He said I could tell Mom, but he didn’t want anyone else to know until they could tell the kids all at once.”

“You know, I would be pretty pissed if I knew that one of you were dying and you weren’t telling us,” Hunt stated roughly. “They missed out on a couple of days with their mother.”

“She didn’t want them to know,” I stated. “She didn’t want them to change their life just because she was dying.”

“Still, don’t do that shit to us,” Hunt said. “If one of you are dying, I want to know.”

“Okay, Hunt,” my father said to calm him. “We will do that.”

“I have a better idea,” Wesley said. “Don’t die anytime soon.”

“Oh, Wes, you know as well as we do that life is precious. You have to enjoy every moment of every day. You need to love the people you are with and be with the ones you love.” My mother looked at me pointedly.

“What? I hang out with you all as much as I can.”

Huntley laughed. “She’s not talking about us, Ry. She’s talking about you and Ethan.”

“Stop!” I threw my hand up as I stepped away from my parents. “Do not start on me with Ethan, please. I know I need to speak with him, and I need to apologize, but right now is not the time to do that. Especially when he brought home his girlfriend.”

“That’s not his girlfriend,” Brad said.

“Oh, it’s not, huh? Then why was she kissing him outside?”

Huntley laughed. “What were you doing, spying on them?”

“No!” I crossed my arms over my chest. “I was leaving and saw them. I don’t care whether that’s his girlfriend or not. Nothing like that matters right now.”

“He told me that she was just a classmate that didn’t have any place to go on break,” Brad stated.

“Well, good for them,” I stated.

Huntley got up and headed to the coffee pot, stopping to shove my arm as he laughed. “Look at the jealousy on your face.”

I turned and punched him in the shoulder. “I am not jealous!” Everyone laughed. “I’m not jealous!” I announced to the room loudly before I stomped my foot and then rushed from the room.

After our late breakfast, I had gone home and was lying on the couch. As I flipped channels, I idly wondered what to do with the rest of my day and tried to find a movie to get lost in when someone knocked on my door. I sighed as I got up to answer it. Maybe it would be a vacuum cleaner salesperson, and they could keep me company for a little while.

I opened it to find not a stranger, but Roxy, Daniella, and Charlotte. “Can we come in?” Charlotte grinned, holding up a bottle of wine.

I held the door open. “What are you guys doing here?”

“Well, we thought we’d crack open a bottle of wine and try to get you to tell us what’s wrong.”

“Um, Rebecca just died.”

Roxy rolled her eyes. “We know you are upset about that. We are trying to figure out what else is bothering you.”

“Nothing is bothering me,” I said as Charlotte went into my kitchen and dug around in my drawer for the corkscrew. Damn, how was I going to get out of this?
