Page 38 of Riley

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Roxy pulled down four glasses, and Daniella went to take a seat on the couch, asking, “Is it Joe or Ethan?”

I stared at her. “Is what Joe or Ethan?”

“Is what is getting you down related to Joe or Ethan?” Roxy asked as she carried a wineglass to me. I stared at the glass and then took it from her.

“Neither,” I said as I sat down on the other end of the couch from Daniella.

“Alright, so how are things with Joe?” Charlotte said as she handed Daniella her wine and sat in the chair across from me.

“Fine, I guess.”

Roxy cocked her head. “Fine, you guess? Girl, that man is gorgeous! You have to share a bit more here.”

I laughed a little uncomfortably. “Well, I only see him once a week. We’re keeping it pretty low-key because of the kids.”

“Is he good in bed?” Charlotte asked with a giggle.

“I honestly have no idea. We have not slept together.”

Her jaw dropped, and Roxy threw her arm out as she pulled her wineglass from her mouth. “Wait! You haven’t slept with that man? Why the hell not?”

“Um, because I said we were taking it slow.”

Charlotte was observing me way too carefully. I avoided her gaze. I put the wineglass to my lips as if I were taking a sip, but I didn’t.

“So is that why you are all emotional recently? No sexual release?” Roxy asked.

I forced a loud laugh. “Guys, come on. It’s been a hectic few weeks.” I set the wineglass down and fluffed a pillow.

Charlotte leaned forward. “So, if you haven’t slept with Joe, the baby is Ethan’s then, right?”

I froze for a second too long. “What are you talking about?”

Daniella yelped. “Wait! You’re pregnant? Oh, my god! That makes so much sense now!”

My mind spun, and the words to deny it wouldn’t come out.

“Holy crap, Riley.” Roxy pulled her hand from her mouth. “Are you really pregnant?”

I put my hands to the sides of my head and leaned forward. Charlotte came to my side, rubbing her hand down my back. “I recognized all the signs.”

“What signs?”

“Not feeling well, losing weight, then gaining it again, the circles under your eyes, the ability to cry at the drop of a hat, and the fact that you never wanted to leave your house. You not gulping your wine was just the final clue for me.”

I lifted my face, a few stray tears running down my cheeks. “You guys can’t tell anyone! I’m serious! You can’t tell my brothers!”

“That’s why you haven’t slept with Joe,” Daniella stated.

“Yes, that’s why. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t do that when I was carrying someone else’s child.”

“Ethan doesn’t know, does he?”

I shook my head as I wiped at my face. “No, I literally found out the day before he left for training. I was going to tell him about it this weekend, but then his mother passed, and I can’t do that to him.”

“Do what? Give him hope?” Roxy asked.

“Hope for what?” I asked her.
