Page 5 of Riley

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“So, you tell me when you might be able to start.”

“Well, I’m going to need to give my notice. I actually have a lot going on in the next few weeks. Hold on a second; let me look at my calendar on my phone.”

“Sure, take your time.”

I brought it up quickly and skimmed over my work schedule. “Scott, I could start on the twenty-sixth. Would that work for you?”

“That would actually work out well.”

“Okay, then I better get my notice in.”

“Great idea.” He paused. “I have another question for you. There is a training course that is coming up. You literally would start with us on the twenty-sixth, and then on the sixth of June, we’d need you to travel. It’s a pretty intense training, but we really need someone to take this.”

“What’s it for?”


Whoa! Was he serious? Polygraph? I’d never pictured myself doing that. “Isn’t that training like two months?”

“Actually, it’s twelve weeks, and you’d have to head to Georgia for that time. Think you can do that? Any interest?”

“Do you think I’d be any good at it?”

He chuckled. “If we didn’t think you could handle it, we wouldn’t have hired you for the position here. We know that you will be able to handle everything that comes your way. You also have a very calm nature, and you’re a pretty likable guy, so that will work for you with being a polygrapher.”

“Well, thank you for that vote of confidence. Can I think about that for a day?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I did throw a lot at you all of a sudden. Charlie retires later this year; he’s the only one that we have certified in polygraphy, and Brad was supposed to go to this class, but his wife is pregnant and just got put on bed rest, so he can’t leave her that long.”

“I’m interested. I just—I just need to digest this. I’ll get back to you by tomorrow. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a yes—like ninety percent sure—but let me roll it around in my mind. My head is kind of spinning.”

“Absolutely, you got it. Let me know, and we look forward to having you onboard either way.”

“Thanks again, Scott. I’m excited to be joining you all.”

He told me he was sending me some paperwork and to look it all over and get it back to him. The moment we hung up, I dialed my father.

“Morning, Ethan. Your mom wants to know if you’re going to make it this weekend.”

I hesitated. This weekend? Oh, yeah, Coral’s birthday. “Yeah, I’ll be there. Are we celebrating Mother’s Day too?”

“No, your momma wants to have a small brunch with you all on Sunday. Your sisters are already planning the menu.”

“Okay, tell them to let me know if they need anything.”

“Great, I will. How are you?” he asked, and I heard the squeaking of the back door as it closed.

“I got the position.” The words exploded from my mouth.

“You got the position?” he asked quietly, and then it must have dawned on him what I was saying. “Oh, you got the job!”

“Yeah, Dad. I just hung up with Detective Hendricks.”

“Ethan, that’s fantastic. Your mom is going to be so proud of you. Who else have you told?”

“No one. You were the first person I called. I literally just hung up with him.”

“Of course, I was. You are going to accept it, right?”
