Page 6 of Riley

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“No doubt. I have wanted to be a detective since I was in college. But get this, they want to send me to polygraph school as soon as I start.”

“Polygraph school?”

“Yeah.” I explained why I’d been offered the spot. “But I’d have to go to Georgia for twelve weeks.”

“Wow, what an opportunity, Ethan. Are you going to do it?”

“I have to think it over a little more, but I’m pretty sure that I’m going to do it.”

“Son, you have worked hard all your life, especially going through this process. I think this would be fantastic for you.”

“Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate that.”

“Well, how about we announce it at your sister’s birthday?”

“Ah, I wouldn’t want to do that. It’s Coral’s day. I don’t want to distract from her birthday.”

“You know that she will be so excited. Everyone will. I can’t believe my son is going to be a county detective. I’m so proud of you, Ethan.”

“Thanks, Dad. I’m really excited about it. Maybe we can announce it at the end of the party.”

“I assume you already took the job.”

“I did.”

“And when would you go to this class that they want you to take?”

“June sixth, I believe is what he said. It’s a twelve-week course.”

“Whew, that’s a long time. Do you get to come home at all during that time?”

“I really don’t know. I’m not even sure I want to do it.”

Suddenly, the thought of not seeing Riley for twelve weeks hit me, and I leaned back in my seat. Maybe this was exactly what I needed to do to get her out of my mind. Three months of distance would be enough to put my feelings behind me, wouldn’t it?


I laughed. “I think I just officially made my decision, Dad.”

“Well, that was fast.” My father chuckled. “What made you decide so quickly?”

“Nothing really. I just remembered how hard I worked to get this. I want to do something important in my life. This training would put me in a good place within their department.”

“It sounds like it sure would. I’ll let your momma know.”

“Tell her not to share it with anyone until this weekend. Let’s wait until Coral’s party is winding down, then I will announce it.”

“Sounds like a fantastic idea.”

As I finished my breakfast, I glanced at a picture on the sidewall. Riley was in it, of course, but so were my siblings: Evan, Coral, Candy, Carmen, Cara; and hers: Huntley, Henley, Wesley, Bradley, and Kayley.

I stared at the picture for a minute. We were all close, had grown up together, argued as one big happy family. Bradley and Cara had dated in middle school. Candy and Wesley dated briefly in high school. Despite those blips on growing up, we’d all remained close.

Especially Riley and me. I was best friends with her Irish twin, Henley, and we hung out together all the time. Henley and I used to keep her out of trouble, and then Henley got tired of his sister and moved on to women not related to him. I’d been fascinated with Riley since I was sixteen. Half of my freaking life, I’d been in love with a woman who didn’t even care I was alive.

I was done. It was time to let Riley go and move on with my life. She could find someone else to pick her drunk ass up off the floor or someone to scratch her sexual itches.

That thought brought me up short, but then, I realized that was just one more thing I had to get over. No jealousy allowed. That was a wasted emotion.
