Page 65 of Riley

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“Just let me see it. Pull your shirt up and point the phone at your stomach.”

“Ethan, come on.”

“Riley, do this for me. You kept this secret from me for five weeks, and I’m not there to be a part of this. You are going to have to give me something.”

I sighed wearily. “Fine.”

I pulled my tank top up and held the phone over my stomach. “See, still as flat as it was when you left this morning.”

“Funny. Put the phone closer to your belly.”

“Are you really going to talk to my stomach?”

“Yep, I sure am. Now do it.”

“You are so bossy.” I laughed and put the phone closer to my belly.

“Okay, kid, this is your father. You make sure you behave yourself while I’m gone, and keep your mommy company.”

I chuckled, and he started laughing, “You’re making our baby seasick with that movement.”

I put the phone back in front of me. “Hey, I’ll have you know, that little twerp made me throw up two dozen times. He deserves a little seasickness.”

Ethan grinned. “I’d tell you that I miss you, but I don’t think you’d want to hear it.”

“You can tell me.” His brows jumped as he leaned back on his bed. “Is that your room?”

“Yep, you want to see it?”


He gave me a quick tour, and by quick, I mean ten seconds of the bed, dresser, closet, and desk.

“Wow, it’s like a dorm.”

“Pretty much.”

“When do you come back?”

“I am here for almost eight more weeks. Think you can live that long without me?” I burst out laughing, but he was laughing too. “It will go fast, and I’m only a phone call away if something happens or you need me.”

I gnawed on my bottom lip. “Thank you, Ethan.”

“For what?”

“For making this not so scary. I think that with you at my side for this, I won’t want to jump off a bridge to save myself.”

“You better not. You’re going to be alright, Riley. I’m going to be there with you—well, once I get home—I’m going to be there for everything.”


“I promise, baby. Damn, do I promise.”
