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Chapter Three


As soon as I got to my classroom, I dug around in my locked file cabinet for my Tylenol and popped two. Then I opened most of the blinds, picked up a drawing that had fallen to the floor, and sat down at my desk. I’d eat my breakfast while I looked over my email.

The parents of my fourth graders were a bit needy. Not as bad as when I taught second grade, but they were still needy enough that they reached out quite often with concerns. I didn’t mind. Most of the time, I appreciated the heads-up or the comments they gave me. Of course, a few parents needed more handholding than their children, but I was also used to that.

I pulled open the bag containing my breakfast and removed two sandwiches and a bowl of mixed fruit, but not just any mixed fruit. This one was specifically made for me because it didn’t have any pineapple in it. I hated pineapple. I set the fruit to the side and looked at the two sandwiches.

One was a plain bagel, and the other was whole wheat. Both contained two eggs and cheese, but the whole wheat one had turkey bacon, while the other had regular bacon—and extra. Man, I loved bacon. I sighed as I set his healthier sandwich to the side and unwrapped mine.

In the past, I would have sent him a message about how his sandwich was so good, but not today. I was still pissed at him for insinuating that I had a drinking problem. I didn’t. Who was he to say that I did? What was wrong with me for having a good time? I knew many people who enjoyed going out and drinking, and yes, I did enjoy sex when I was drinking. Of course, sex with Ethan anytime was pretty spectacular, but when I had been drinking, I was able to let down my hair—so to speak. I wasn’t embarrassed to ask for what I wanted—wasn’t afraid to experiment, and he sure loved to experiment.

I took a bite and thought for a moment. When was the last time that Ethan and I had sex and I hadn’t been drinking? I frowned. Damn, I wasn’t sure I even knew.

I stared at his sandwich and then tossed it into the trash—no more Ethan. I needed to stop thinking about him. I tried to read one of my emails but got stuck on a memory from last night. I’d gotten Ethan inside my place, and I’d dropped to my knees.

I’d never been a fan of going down on a man, but with Ethan, there wasn’t anything I didn’t enjoy. Especially as he was always neatly manscaped, oh snap, did I hate a man who didn’t neaten up his package!

Maybe I was a little selfish when it came to sex. Okay, I was a lot selfish. I preferred to be pleased, not doing the pleasing. Most times, it was easy. I loved the power I held over men. I wasn’t sure what it was about me, but I never did have trouble finding a date. I knew I was pretty, but I wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous. I think most of the guys said I was fun, so maybe that was why.

I sighed around the food in my mouth. Dates were easy, but dates with someone worth seeing more than a couple of times were few and far between. I couldn’t remember the last guy I’d gone out with more than three times. Especially one that I had sex withandwent out with three times. Usually, after the second date, I’d know that they weren’t right. By the end of the third date, I was already on to the next guy.

I was great at letting guys down easy. Most of them wouldn’t even hesitate to go out with me again if I called out of the blue, but I never did.

A new email popped into my mailbox, and I smiled as I clicked it open. It was from Joseph Newman. He and his kids had moved to town two months ago. His son, Chip, was a cutie. Very intelligent and observant, but emotionally reserved and quiet. I knew that it probably had to do with the death of his mother last year. I read the email as I sipped my coffee.

Ms. Young, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you might be available after school for a short conference. I wanted to speak with you about something, but it would be much easier to do in person. If you are available, please let me know what time would work for you. Thank you, Joe Newman

Hmm, I wonder what that was about? I had spoken with Mr. Newman several times via email since Chip joined my class, but I had never met him in person. Jo Beth, one of our guidance counselors, said he was gorgeous, but she was also a cat person, so who knew if her taste in men matched mine.

I typed a note back to Mr. Newman that I would be more than happy to meet with him around four if that would work for him. School got out at three-forty, so that would allow me to get the room back in order before he arrived. The kids would be working on science projects this afternoon, and I did not doubt that the place would be a mess.

My personal life might be a disaster, but my classroom never was. I loved teaching children, which was weird since I didn’t particularly want any of my own. Maybe one day, but that would require me to find a man I wanted to spend time with—like a lifetime of time—or at least eighteen years. I couldn’t imagine being with someone that long. My parents had been together for over forty. People didn’t do that anymore, and with my track record, I knew it would never happen. I’d be lucky to get four years with someone.

I fretted as I finished my breakfast. I was totally jealous of my three brothers. Okay, well, all four of them. Bradley might not be married right now, but he had been. It wasn’t his fault that his wife had passed away from cancer. If she hadn’t been sick, I bet they would have been married for forty years like Mom and Dad.

I did not doubt that Wes and Charlotte would stay married forever, and now that Roxy and Henley had tied the knot, I had a feeling they would be too. Now, Hunt and Dani, well, they had just gotten back together, so we’d see what happened with those two. Kayley and I were the last two. Strange that all the men in our family had fallen in love, and us two ladies hadn’t. I wonder if Kay ever thought about that. I’d have to ask her next time she was home.

A few high-pitched voices echoed down the hallway, and laughter filtered in my door. I glanced at the clock. The first bus was here, and the kids would be filling the halls and the classrooms soon. My headache was easing up, and I hadn’t thrown up my breakfast. That was all good.

It was time to put aside thoughts of finding love and focus on the little people that I adored more than any grown-up I knew—well, except my parents. Okay, and maybe my siblings. Damn—and Ethan. No, scratch that—not Ethan.

* * *

I loved my kids,all twenty-one of them—most days. Today, it was like every single one of them had been amped up on a 16-ounce coffee with extra sugar. Holy smokes! I was scrubbing one of the worktables to get the food coloring off the surface from our science project, wondering why I had ever become a teacher in the first place, when there was a knock behind me.

“Ms. Young?” a deep voice cut through the quiet, and I spun around, quickly glancing at the wall clock over his head to see it was a couple of minutes before four.

“Mr. Newman?” I set down my cleaning supplies and approached him, taking inventory of the handsome man in front of me. Well, well. Jo Beth and I could both agree on something. The man was gorgeous with his chocolate-brown hair and bright-hazel eyes. His smile was eager, and his teeth were white and straight. I sure did love a man who smiled with his whole mouth, and not a raised lip like he was smirking. Ethan smiled with his entire mouth.

Nope! Donotcompare this man to Ethan.

Mr. Newman stepped into my room, running his eyes down to my feet and back up, looking surprised as he did. I held my hand out, and he took it, bringing his eyes back to my face. “Wow, Chip said you were pretty, but—um—yeah—sorry about that.” He pulled his hand away, his cheeks turning a bit pink. Holy cow, was he blushing? I don’t think I’d seen a grown man blush in years.

“Well, that was very kind of him.” I gave him my sweetest smile. “It is very nice to meet you in person, Mr. Newman.”

“It’s Joe. Please call me Joe.”
