Page 61 of Wesley

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“I’m not signing shit, Doctor Young.”

“Okay, then if you won’t sign this, I’ll give human resources a call and have one of them come in to take a report about how you gave mind-altering medication to someone who it was not prescribed to. I do believe you not too long ago, you signed a document stating that you have never done such a thing.”

His face had gone pale and then began to turn red. “What the hell did she tell you?”

I smiled at him, glanced at her, and then focused on him again. “She didn’t tell me, not a first, but you did. You stood right out in that hallway and admitted that you gave her something, and then you took advantage of her. You thought it was funny.”

“What do you want?” He hissed.

“I want you to sign this paper.” I took it from my attorney and slipped it over the table.

“You are welcome to read it, or I can give you a brief rundown,” I told him, and then my attorney took over.

“Basically, it says that you are going to resign from this hospital, and you will not work in any medical establishment within fifty miles of Charlotte. You will also never have any contact with the minor child, and you give up all paternal rights of said minor.” My attorney told him.

“Why would I do that?”

“If you do not, a formal complaint will be filed against you with your employer, the medical licensing board, and the police.” I paused to let that sink in, “I’m pretty sure, dosing a woman with a date rape drug, even before you were a licensed doctor, would be cause for losing your license.”

“And if I sign this?”

“Then you resign, and I’ll even put in a good word for you on the other side of the state to help you get a position over that way. But you will never come back here or bother Charlotte or her daughter again.”

I tossed him a pen, and he took a moment to look at each one of us, obviously checking to see if we were serious or not. I was deadly serious. It was taking all of my restraint to sit across from him and not want to beat the shit out of him for raping Charlotte.

He sighed and then signed the paper quickly, shoving it back over the table, “I didn’t want anything to do with the brat anyway.” He snapped and then he was gone.

“Is it over?” Charlotte asked.

“That part is, but there is one more thing we have to do?” I stood, shaking the attorney’s hand, and then I led Charlotte down the hall to the doctor’s lounge. “Give me a moment.”

Marisol was sitting at the table coloring, and Bruce Mitchell was sitting beside reading something. He asked how things went and was happy to hear that it was over. After he bid us a farewell, I came over to the couch.

“Marisol, can you have a seat up here, please?”

She set her crayon down and climbed up to sit with her mom, I took a deep breath suddenly nervous.

“Marisol, I have a question that I need to ask your Mommy, but I need to make sure it will be okay with you.”

She frowned slightly, “Okay.”

“Marisol, would it be alright with you if I asked your mommy to marry me?”

Her eyes were wide, and she looked at her mother, tears were shining in Charlotte’s eyes as she watched me pull a box out of my jacket pocket and open it.

“Wow!” Marisol exclaimed as she stared at the ring. “That’s for mom?”

“Yes, what do you say? Can I marry your mom?”

She nodded happily, and I took the engagement ring out of the box, setting it aside, and took Charlotte’s hand. “Will you marry me, Charlotte. Be my life, be my wife, and help me raise my family.

“Yes.” She said softly, and I slipped the ring over her finger and kissed her.

I glanced at Marisol, “I’m not done yet.”

“What now?”

I stuck my hand into the other pocket and pulled out another box, Charlotte looked confused, and I opened the box and held it out to Marisol. “Marisol, I already asked your mommy this, and she said yes, but I want to know if I could officially be your daddy.”

Marisol stared at the ring and then at my face. Charlotte put her hand to her mouth as tears began to run down her cheeks.

“I get a ring, too?” She asked, surprised.

“You get a ring, too, as long as you say it’s okay for me to be your daddy.”

She stuck her hand out, and I took that as a yes. I held the little ring, on the tip of her finger. “You have to say yes, first.”

She grinned at me, glancing at her mom for a moment before finally saying, “Yes, Daddy.”

