Page 104 of Angelina

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She shrugged.“Nothing.Corbin knows that I will be with you.”

“And is he upset?He seems like a nice guy.”

“He is a wonderful man.You will like him, and no, I don’t think he is upset, although he might miss the sex.”

I frowned.“Yeah, about that.I’m pretty sure when I got here, you were having sex with him, and if I’m not mistaken, another man, too.”

She nodded, not looking the least bit sorry.“I was.I was helping Gideon.”

I chuckled.“Helping him?”

“Remember I mentioned another injury to him that couldn’t be seen?Well, his penis had been partially severed and had healed badly.He wasn’t able to have sex.He couldn’t even get hard.Please don’t tell him I told you.He would be mortified.”

“I’ll keep it between us.”

“Anyway, once I realized what I could do, I began to heal him.You and Corbin are a lot alike, rather kinky in the sexual department, so Corbin liked to watch, and then he decided to join while I was working on Gideon.It was harmless fun, well, rather, healing fun.”

I studied her for a few seconds.“And did you enjoy being with two men at once?”

She laughed.“Is there even a way to say no to that?Of course, I did.It wasn’t the first time, although it was much more enjoyable than the past.”

“I’ll have to keep that in mind.I have to admit, I have never been in a threesome, but I have fantasized about them many times.Although, always with two women, not two men.”

“Then we shall have to change that.Perhaps Corbin would be interested in joining us.”

“Perhaps when I am strong enough.”

She looked nervous for a moment.“When you are strong enough—”

I pulled her face closer.“I am going to take you and make you mine the first chance I have.”

Angelina’s fear evaporated.“I want that.I want you.I have never wanted a man so much in my life.Even when I was with Cameron, I cared deeply for him, but not how I feel for you.”

“I understand that.That is how I feel for you, Angelina.When the attack came on your camp in Detroit—”

“Wait, how did you know I was in Detroit?”

“Every night, I went to the small balcony at the top of the compound, and I reached out for you.For a while, it was easy to connect with you.Then you started taking a lot of blood, and I could only see from your eyes.The night that you mated with Corbin, I lost you altogether, but I knew you were in Detroit.”

“You could see through my eyes all that time?”

“Yes.”She hung her head, and I felt her shame.“Do not be ashamed.You did what you needed to do to survive, and you were honest with yourself.I am not upset.I love you.I forgive you for anything, and besides, you were not mine.”

She leaned forward.“I will always be yours.”

She kissed me passionately for a few seconds, then leaned back.“What did you think when you heard about the attack?”

“Kristin and I were both upset.In fact, she lost her shit.I have never seen her so emotional.She threw a fit and destroyed almost everything in her office.She felt to blame because she had given you an ultimatum, and you had chosen to leave.”I paused.“You know, she said that she would never have confined you for six months.She let Zander, Gabe, and Olivia out after five.”

“When I thought about it later, I realized that she would never have done that.I was stupid for leaving.”

“No, you were smart to go.What I saw through your eyes helped many of us understand things.That night after the attack, I went upstairs, and while I couldn’t feel you normally, I felt you were alive.Just the slightest tingle that you were okay.Kristin was able to confirm it, and that’s when she decided to tell me about the tunnels that could help me get out.”

“Did you sneak out?”

“No, she assisted me.I was to find you.Every night, I was to connect with her at sunset and let her know what was going on.”

“And you did that to find me?”

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