Page 25 of Angelina

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Olivia leaned over the table and lowered her voice into a mere whisper that a human person wouldn’t even be able to hear.“No one around her likes him or thinks he is right for her.He is only with her because of the baby and the power it gets him.As soon as Lena is back, he’ll leave Kris in a second.”

I glanced between the two of them.I had no idea any of them felt that way.They sure didn’t let on.I did know that Clayton was reserved when it came to Hugh, but he had never said anything directly about not liking Hugh or thinking he was bad for Kristin—or the breed.

“You don’t think he’s right for your mom?”

“Nope,” Garrett responded around a bite of food.He finished chewing and swallowed.“I know how she feels about you, or how she felt about Julian, I should say.I’ve heard many stories about that time, and my father wrote about their relationship.He said they were soulmates for eternity.”

I skipped over the soulmates for eternity and asked, “What do you mean, Alex wrote about our relationship?”

“My dad kept detailed journals.He said in the journals that they were written specifically for me because I would oversee the breed one day.Most of it was business-related, but he talked about other more personal things.”

“Does your mother know about them?”

He nodded.“She’s the one that gave them to me, although she never read them.”

“Why wouldn’t she read them?”

“Mom told me that my father had written them for me, and she respected his privacy.Occasionally, I have shared some of the information in them if I thought it might help her with a decision.I tried to talk her into reading them once, but she refused.”

“Does Rex know about them?”

“Nope, and I’d like to keep it that way,” Garrett said with tension in his voice.“He might be my half brother, but there is no love lost between us.I think he blames my dad for his father’s death.”

Olivia rolled her eyes.“Trent killed himself because he went batshit crazy on her blood.It had nothing to do with Alex.”

“What are you talking about?Why would Trent kill himself because of Kristin?”

“Not Kristin, but her blood drove him crazy,” Olivia stated.“You know how people can’t drink your blood because it’s toxic?Well, before it becamereallytoxic, Trent started acting strange, and now we know, or assume, it was her blood that drove him mad.”

I leaned back in my seat.“Jesus Christ.I didn’t know that, but why blame Alex?”

“Who knows,” Garrett replied.“Rex always has a stick up his ass about something.He never wants to take the blame for anything.He expects everything to go his way.It’s why he was so pissed when he heard he wouldn’t be master, and I would.We haven’t gotten along very well since then, not that I care.”

“He’s your brother.”Olivia gave him a forceful look.“You do care.”

“Whatever, Liv,” Garrett replied to her, then shifted his focus to me.“You might want to read the journals.He talks about a lot of things that Julian did when they used to work together.”

“I’d like to see them.That is if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.I think it would be good for you to read them.I’ll bring the journals to you later, but you need to promise me that you won’t tell anyone else about them.”

“Who else knows?”

“Only Clayton, although I might let Gabe read them.He’s mentioned in there several times.”

“I’d like to see them.”

“I’ll get them over to you tonight.”

“I appreciate it.”

I collected my dishes and said goodbye to them.Two hours later, there was a knock at my door, and I opened it to find Garrett there with a box.

“Come on in.”

He stepped inside and held the box out.“I can’t stay; I have to go meet someone, but I wanted to drop these off.I know you read a lot, so I figured you would get through them quickly.”

I chuckled.“Yeah, I do like to read.I appreciate this.”The box was heavier than I anticipated it being.I had assumed there would only be one journal, but it felt like several were inside the box.

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