Page 56 of Angelina

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“How many others?”I asked as our group huddled around Corbin to get more information.

Corbin was quiet for a moment, sadness passing over his features before they filled with anger, and he started to walk back the way we had come.I grabbed his arm.

“Where do you think you are going?”

“I’m going back to kill them all!Only half of the group was out of the compound.Who knows how many got over the barriers before they electrocuted them!”

“Corbin, I know you are upset, but we have to keep going.We can’t go back.There is nothing that we can do with only ten people.”

“I am sure there are others behind us.We could go back.”

“Yeah, and we’dalldie!”I stressed to him.“There is nothing that we can do for them now.We have to move on and see who joins us.”He ran his hands over his face.“Corbin, I know you are upset, I am too, but these people depend on us.We have to move on.”

He nodded slowly and lifted his head to stare at the bright sky behind us.As we watched, the power turned off, and the light dimmed—the former darkness took over as we gathered our group and ushered them on.A few were crying, a couple angry.I wanted to scream and cry myself, but I didn’t.I forged on.

We reached our meeting point an hour later and broke the lock off an old warehouse door after checking for alarms and cameras.Inside, we all found a place to sit, and Corbin remained silent.I assumed he was talking to Gideon and telling him where we were.

It was another twenty minutes before another group arrived, and they spoke quietly with our group about what they had seen and how they had escaped the guards that had doubled in number from when we had passed just minutes before them.Obviously, they knew we were trying to escape.

Thirty minutes later, Gideon arrived with three people.Two of which looked worse for wear.When Gideon joined Corbin and me, I asked him, “I thought you had five in your group that made it over the barrier.”

“I did.Phil got shot as we tried to get by the soldiers.We couldn’t get to him.”

“Jesus,” Corbin said as he wiped his hands over his face again.“How many people made it out?”

“Not enough.I know that at least half of the groups had left, but I don’t know if they moved fast enough to get over the barriers.I haven’t heard from Zin, Adam, or Marissa.The others made it over the barrier and are moving out.”

I closed my eyes.Damn, I had really liked Adam and Zin.I could do without Marissa, but I hadn’t wished her any harm.“Maybe they made it and are just too busy to reach out.”

“Maybe, but I doubt it,” Gid said as he looked around.“We should get going.I was the last of this group to leave.So this is what we have to go with.”

“You sure you don’t want to wait and see if others arrive?”

He shook his head sadly.“No, we should go now while we can.We have a long drive and need to be able to find a place to sleep if the sun comes up before we get there.”

Corbin was looking around.“We could take that truck.”He pointed to a large box truck.If the sun comes out, we could stay in there.It won’t be comfortable, but we’d be safe.”

“Unless someone reports it missing,” I said.

“Isn’t it Sunday morning?No one will report it missing until Monday, right?We can at least get closer, then ditch it for something else once we get into PA.Then we could move on foot to our location.”

“Alright, I guess that’s our best bet.We just have to hope they don’t have roadblocks set up.”

“We should leave soon to avoid those.They might be trying to put them in place right now.”

“Then what are we waiting for?”Corbin asked as he got to his feet.

Everyone piled into the box truck, and Steve offered to drive.He had experience as he used to transport goods.Even though the truck was electric, it was still beyond my abilities.

Inside the large compartment, people sat along the walls or lay on the floor.It was quiet for the most part, and I was sure that everyone was thinking back on what we had witnessed tonight.

“You know, if you had not pushed us to leave so quickly, we’d all be dead,” Gideon said.He touched his face.The scar had faded a lot.“I have two things to thank you for.”

“You don’t need to thank me, Gideon.”

“Yes, I do.”He cleared his throat and then spoke privately to me,“Especially for the other thing.”

“How’s it healing?”

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