Page 62 of Angelina

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I was taken down to a room and shoved into it.The door locked behind me, and I wondered how long it would be before she would come to get me.I was starting to worry that they were going to leave me here.Maybe this was an elaborate plan for her to lock me up and not let me go.Perhaps this had been a setup, and there was no way out.

The door unlocked, and Kristin entered with a stern look.She glanced at the camera and flicked her hand toward it before her features relaxed into a smile.“Quite the performance.”

I chuckled.“Sorry about smacking you.”

“It hurt, that is for sure, but I’ll live.I probably deserved it for something anyway.”We stared at one another.“Are you ready?”


“Okay, the camera is disabled now, and Garrett and Rane are going to slip you out.I would go, but I need to get back upstairs.”

“I understand.”

She came forward and threw her arms around my shoulders.“Find my sister.Tell her I love her, and it won’t be long.”

“I will.Take care of yourself, Kristin.”

She leaned back.“I will.I know things were rocky with us, but I do care for you very much.I’m sorry that things didn’t work.”

“I am too.In my own way, I love you, but just not as much as I do Lena.”

“I understand.”

She kissed me tenderly once more, then stepped back, brought back her anger before she spun on her heel, and rushed to the door.She shook her head and then yanked it open and strode out as if she were furious about something I said.

A few minutes later, the door opened again, and Garrett entered.He led me down into the parking structure and then into a warehouse.We were silent as we moved, and then we joined Rane, who took us through a series of tunnels.He unlocked one with a keypad and pulled the door open.

“Follow this.It’s about a mile, and then you will come out.There will be transportation at the end.Once you step through here, you won’t be able to come back in.You understand that, right?”

“Yes.I do.”

“I’ll know when you reach the far door, and I’ll unlock it for you.You will have twenty seconds to open it and close it before an alarm sounds, and it locks again.”

“Got it.”

Garrett gave me a flashlight and a backpack.“Everything you might need is in here.Be careful, Hugh.”

“Thanks, Garrett.Watch over your mom.”

“I will.”

Without another thought or word, I entered the tunnel, and my pace picked up the farther I went until I was running.I had barely reached the other door when I saw a light change from yellow to green and a click echoed through the corridor.I pulled the door open quickly and stepped out into the dark of the night.

A hundred yards away was a transport, and I rushed toward it.When I reached it, I paused and tried to look back, but I couldn’t.No matter what I did, I couldn’t turn around and look in the direction I had come.

So instead, I climbed into the transport and started it with the push of a button.Directions popped up on the screen, and I put the vehicle into drive.

I’m coming, Angelina, I’m coming.

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